Monday, December 24, 2007
Still busy!
Anyways, I hope that everyone has a great Christmas! We will be celebrating in our new house, and I am really excited. This is the first year that Carter really gets Santa Claus and I really think he will love everything he gets. Christmas is so much fun with kids! I will try to write more later, but it may be a while. We are moving everything else this week, so I am sure to be busy!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Cookie Recipes
1 C. brown sugar
3/4 C. white sugar
2 eggs
3 C. flour
3/4 tsp. salt
3/4 tsp. soda
1 tsp. vanilla
choc chips...whole bag
Bake at 350 for 8-10 min. to have more brown sugar in your choc chip cookies. Don't over cook them! Take them out when they barely have a hint of brown around the edges.
Now I am going to ride this wave of ambitiousness and go prepare a talk for church in 2 weeks. Like I don't already have enough going on in my life. Can't a girl get a break?
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Crappy snow.
We went down to Chicago today and saw Phantom of the Opera. It was great--I don't think it was really Broadway quality, but it was good. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, but I still think I like Wicked more. I think part of it is that I have been listening to the soundtrack since I was little, so I was expecting it to sound just like the CD and it didn't, so it seemed kind of off. It was a great day though. Our great friends Mike and Jessica donated their Saturday to watch my kids. I was very concerned about Samantha, she was traumatized from earlier this week when I left her at a baby sitters house. I really thought she would be horrible and cry the entire day. Luckily, she was ok. She was pretty irate when Jessica went in to get her up from her nap, but after that, she did ok. Such a relief. It was very nice to get out with our good friends Derek and Laura before they move to Utah (booo), and fabulous to get out without the kids.
Mike is out with an old friend visiting from Utah. Who knows when he will be home. I need to get to bed and get some beauty rest so I can shovel in the morning. Did I mention that I hate snow?
Thursday, December 6, 2007
I love cookies!
I have come to the conclusion that I will probably always carry an extra 5 pounds or so due to my new-found love of baking. Don't get me wrong, I have always loved cookies, but the cookies that I have made in the past have always just been ok. They were hard and really not that good. Soon after moving to Wisconsin, one of Mike's co-workers introduced him to the monster cookie. It has M&M's, chocolate chips, oatmeal and peanut butter. Cookie heaven! Then, my sister in law Holly introduced me to the Neiman Marcus cookie. Yum. I mastered that. I made them in mass quantities. At almost every point in the last year or so I have had a batch of dough frozen ready to go at a moment's notice. Some people freeze meals before they have babies, I froze Neiman Marcus cookie dough.
Then came the ever elusive sugar cookie. I have never had luck with the sugar cookie. I think a lot of people struggle with them, it is so hard to get them just right. My favorite cooking friend Karen found a fabulous recipe for sugar cookies that she was kind enough to share. These are the bomb (yes, I know that no one uses that word anymore). I made them when we had people over for a game one time. They raved..."these are better than store-bought!" Sometimes you try to be modest, find some little fault in them-they are a little overdone, whatever. All I could say is "I know, aren't they great?". The frosting is still store bought, but baby steps, right? Anyways, the reason for this whole cookie posting is that I have finally made a delicious chocolate chip cookie! Karen pulled through for me again and they were a definite success. A little bit crunchy on the outside, nice and soft inside. Fabulous. I am now on the hunt for the perfect peanut butter cookie. I am hosting a cookie exchange this next Tuesday and can't wait to try all the new recipes. I love cookies!!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
I hate Wisconsin.
As I am writing this, it is snowing again. It's supposed to snow another 3-5 inches tonight and then every day for the rest of the week. Seriously, can't a sister get a break? All the time that we are supposed to be spending on the house is being spent on this crappy snow. I hate it. At this rate, we will never be done. And who wants to move in this weather? Not me (not that I really want to move in any weather, we move too much).
I know this all seems negative, but this is my life lately. It seems like it's just one thing after another. I need a long vacation.
On a positive note, Mike got the water upstairs working! We have a lot of friends who have also fixed up older homes, so we have quite a few people to offer advice. One of them suggested taking off the aerators. Thanks Grant! We also have 2 rooms all ready to paint and Mike has about half of that nasty Turquoise tile off in the upstairs bathroom. We are sad to see those go :). Now we just have to find the time to paint. As soon as this damn snow goes away...
Sunday, December 2, 2007
What were we thinking?
We tried again on Saturday. Right now we are just trying to get everything ready to paint. This includes taking down wallpaper from one room. That part actually went pretty well. It came off really easily and there was only one layer. In getting water to spray the wall with, we realized that the water upstairs had been turned off not only while no one was living there while the house was on the market like we thought, but probably for the last decade. We got a small trickle of water out of the kitchen faucet, but that was it. It looks like we will be calling the plumber.
Anyways, after the wallpaper the kids were cranky and ready to go. Plus, it was snowing and we had to get back here to take care of the snow here (Mike will take care of the snow there tomorrow after work). What a mess! We had planned to work all day there. Between apartment stuff, home improvement projects and church stuff, I kind of feel like crying. I really think I will never be caught up. Luckily, things will get better. I haven't been released from YW president yet, but I know they found my replacement today, so hopefully next week (good luck to you, you know who...). And, I did my last apartment check-out today, which means that I will be doing my last check-in tomorrow. Just a few more weeks! I can't wait to be done, but really don't want to actually go through the process of moving. Oh well. Someone wise once said, "you do what you have to do, so you can do what you want to do". That would be Denzel Washington on Oprah the other day. Wise and good looking. What a package :).
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Home again, home again
He also fell in love with Aunt Sarah's bird, although he didn't like it when it would go on his back and tickle him. He also met Snow White. My mom also has a poodle, but Carter hated it. It is a yappy little thing. Carter's favorite were my brother's 2 Belgian malinoises. They are like German Shepherds. My brother is a cop and the one dog is his K-9 partner. Anyways, it was basically a petting zoo. Maybe one day we will get a dog--when Carter is big enough to scoop the poop.
Most of our visit was great. I got to meet my brother's cute girlfriend for the first time, and hang out with my other brother and his family, who I haven't seen in years, and everyone got to meet Samantha. However, I don't know if it was just lack of sleep, routine or what, but Carter and Samantha got progressively worse as the trip went on. By Thanksgiving, Samantha screamed anytime I set her down or anyone else held her. Carter was dishing out the sass like no one else's business. I would ask him to do something (like turn the light back off at 5:45am)and he would say "Um, actually, no!". This is pretty much how Thanksgiving looked for him:
Not that the day was any better for me. First of all, this is how exciting it is hanging out at my parents' house:
That is my sister trying to sleep the day away. I did get my hair done, which was one of the highlights of the trip. You can't see them, but my other sisters are on the couch watching me get my hair done. There just isn't really much to do there. So...I was in charge of the turkey and I have been talking up what a great turkey I am going to make and how it will be the best ever. Everywhere I looked said that a 19 pound turkey should cook in 4-4 1/2 hours. We were supposed to eat at 4, so I put it in at noon, knowing that we wouldn't really eat until 5. It wasn't done until 7! I even turned it up to 425 degrees around 3:30. Even then, it was still questionable down towards the bone. This may not have been a big deal in some families, but there were close to 30 people crammed in that house just waiting on that damn bird. I have no idea what went wrong, but needless to say, my stress level was through the roof. By the time dinner was done, I just wanted to get out of there--Carter was being a terror and I had been holding Samantha for 10 hours straight. I didn't even enjoy the food, it was such a waste. On top of everything else, I thought that since this was the first time that we had all the grandkids together, we could do a picture with all of them. I have no idea what I was thinking. It was chaos. My one sister was late, and we wanted to take the picture outside, so it was almost dark by the time we got everyone out there. I hope that they turned out ok. My sister's boyfriend ended up taking them, and he is supposed to send them to me. Never again. My family is great, but I definitely need to lower my expectations. There are just too many people to get anything truly organized. I am planning my own Thanksgiving this week and will wipe that day from my memory.
Having said that, I am glad that we went, and I am glad that we are home. We close on our house on Friday. I am thinking about having a paint party this Saturday. Anyone want to come? :) It hasn't really sunk in yet how much work this house will really be. I hope I don't regret it...
Thursday, November 15, 2007
On another note, Carter is starting to be a little bit nicer, which is a pleasant change.
He said the funniest thing today. I was asking him if he wanted to have a sleepover with his aunt Amber. He said "no, because Amber and Sarah live in the airport!". He doesn't really get that people get on airplanes and leave the airport, he only knows that that is where we drop them off. I tried to explain it, but I am pretty sure he still thinks they live there.
Well, I don't have much more to write and it's time for Thursday night TV. See ya!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Tub Time
She has the funniest thoughtful look. She does this all the time with me. It's like she's asking "Are you sure about that?"
The lighting is off on this one, but I don't want Carter to feel left out :). Someday I will learn how to use my camera...
I found out a couple of weeks ago that everyone in my family will be home for Thanksgiving, including my older brother and his family from Phoenix. I haven't seen them since before we moved out here, and they have never met my kids. So I was kind of bummed that I would miss it. With the large purchase we are about to make (a house), I didn't think we could afford it. But Mike, being the great guy that he is, said I should go. With that and the generosity of Grandma and Grandpa helping out with Carter's ticket we are going to Utah for Thanksgiving! It's the first time I have gone back for a holiday since we have been out here. I am very excited to see my family, especially my nephews. We were really close when they were younger, and now they are all in high school. I still can't believe it. I am also excited to get my hair done. Somehow I manage to see Amber (my sister) every 6 months or so. Just about the time that my hair is getting bad enough that I am considering going to someone else, something works out. It's like it was meant to be... As my excitement grows my anxiety does as well. I am taking both kid by myself. Am I nuts? I know that other people do it and it can be done, but it is going to be stressful. Maybe they will both sleep the whole way. A girl can dream, right?
Thursday, November 8, 2007
One fell off and bonked his head
Alright, so that wasn't fun, but yesterday we went to the Wisconsin Dells, and that was so much fun! For those of you who don't know "the Dells" (as they are referred to around here) is the water park capital of the world (at least America) here in the middle of Wisconsin. There are at least 10 huge resorts with all kinds of water parks. Anyways, most people go in the summer when it is warm, but not us. We wait until it's cold and we can go cheaper. We went to the Kalahari resort, which boasts the largest indoor water park in the country. We went with a couple of friends and their families and we had such a great time. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, so until Kara and Cassidy are kind enough to email the ones that they took to me, I have nothing but a hotel key card to remember this fabulous trip by. So sad...
Oh, wait, we did get another night free, so I guess we can go back and recreate this trip with pictures. Somebody called the front desk last night saying that there was loud music. The security team wasn't sure which room it was coming from, so instead of listening at the doors, they knocked on them. So, we woke up at 4am to a loud knock and some joker asking us to keep it down. Mike was beyond furious, since we had been asleep for hours and he couldn't get back to sleep after that. So he complained before we left and we got a little phone call tonight from the GM apologizing and he said he would be sending us a little something. Sweet! Not only did we get a great deal in the first place, we got another free night. Totally worth the 4am wake up call (at least for me, I went right back to sleep). Maybe in February when we need a break from the winter and the house work we will go use it. Anybody want to join us?
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!
Carter mostly enjoyed eating the frosting and sprinkles. This kid has been on a sugar high since last week. We are trying to detox him. Tonight he was complaining of a tummy ache. Poor kid.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
We got it!
Also, the house is on 97th just below Lisbon Ave. So we will be switching wards (again!!!).
Completely off the subject, Mike got pulled over yesterday. I was very pleased because he is always talking about what a great driver he is and how he never gets tickets, blah, blah.... To his credit, it was for doing a U-turn at a controlled intersection, which is a dumb law anyways. But it was good to see him humbled :). Luckily he was only given a warning, so the humbling was free of charge. Thank you very much officer!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Our House

We have 2 kitchens. Which to use??? The one upstairs is bigger, but do I want to live downstairs and cook upstairs? We will figure it out. The counter tops are awesome, they have little boomerang shapes in them. The bathrooms are really the highlight of the house. It seems that pink bath fixtures were all the rage back in the 50's. Love them. If anyone wants them, they will be coming out soon.
This one is even better. I absolutely love the turquoise tile.
Anyways, the rest of the house is good, new carpet and hardwood throughout. We definitely have our work cut out for us. It should be good, though. We can stay here for a couple of years and then move on. 1&1/2 years is the longest we have stayed in any house. We'll see if we can set any records here.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Sleep baby, sleep
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Then, Saturday night I went out on a "date" with my friend Laura. It was great. It has been so long since I have been out without either of the kids. Samantha hasn't liked it much when I have left her before, so I have been hesitant to leave her again. We saw the movie about Queen Elizabeth since there wasn't much else that wasn't rated R. It was actually a pretty interesting movie. The best part was that the Renaissance Club was there. Do these people not realize that everyone is mocking them??? Seriously, some clubs are nerdy, but these people really take the cake. Because it was opening night, they were introduced individually before the movie as Lady this and Captain that. Then they had some medieval trivia for t-shirts. Seriously, who knows this stuff? I just loved that they attempted the accent. It really made the evening complete. I pray every day that my kids won't ever come home in costume, I don't know what I would do (sorry if this offends any closet Renaissance lovers that I may not know about out there).
Mike and I have been looking for houses, we have decided that we are done with the apartment management thing. I have too much going on and it is just too much. It has been a great job, but with 2 kids it is just too much. You should see me trying to show an apartment. It's like a little traveling circus--"you will notice the skylight - Carter don't touch that! - and the fabulous balcony - AHHHHHH (Samantha)... alright I don't really say things like that, but you get the picture. I am amazed that anyone would rent from us after witnessing the chaos that is us. Anyways, back to the houses...we are not planning on moving until March or April because we don't rent over the winter so it's easy money for now. My problem is that I look at a house and get attached. I imagine what we could do with it and which rooms would be for what... and then Mike reminds me that we aren't buying anything for a while and I have to break it off with the house. It's actually quite traumatic. The other frustrating part is the realization that we really can't afford what we really want and lowering our expectations. It looks like we will probably have to do some work on whatever we buy and it probably won't be perfect. I don't know why we are so worried, if our current track record continues, we won't be in it for more than 2 years.
Anyway, that really is about all that has been going on. I have to get to bed, it has been a long few nights with Samantha and I am seriously sleep deprived. Good Night!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Not Much
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Cheap Make-Up!
Duck, Duck, Goose!
I love the way he launches the bread at the ducks. Each time, he would scare some of them back into the water.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Where does Daddy live?
Sunday, September 16, 2007
The next morning we walked around downtown Chicago. The first stop was Millennium Park, where they have these really cool fountains. At first they just look like 2 small-scale skyscrapers. Then water starts flowing and a face appears. After a few minutes water starts pouring out of the mouth.
It was a fun day, and we were all exhausted by the time we got home, which is always a sign that we enjoyed ourselves.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I love the doctor's office!
The whole point of the story is what Carter said to me at the Dr. The nurse gave him a whole bunch of stickers, and he was putting them everywhere. He gave one to himself for being a big boy, and then he put one on me and said, "that's for being a good mommy." Totally made my week, especially since I feel like all I do lately is yell at him. He has some serious jealousy going on, he pushed Samantha off of the cart the other day at Sam's club--she was buckled in her car seat and was scared, but fine--that is just one example of what I am dealing with lately. Today he tried to push her (in her car seat again) out of the car. The funny thing is that he always tells me that he is going to do it. "I am going to push her out..." "I am going to pinch her..." "I am going to put water on her face...". I don't know what I am going to do with him.
My favorite sister gets here tonight (sorry to the rest of you sisters, but you all know that's how it is), and I am so excited! Carter loves her and I always love seeing her. We have lots of fun stuff planned. I need go clean my house, so I'm not embarrassed when she gets here. Later!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
How smart are you?
You give it a shot:
You have to work out what the letters mean. See No 0 as an example. According to MENSA, if you get 19+ of these, you are a "genius". Only 2 MENSA members achieved full marks. See how well you do.
Scoring: 1-5 is Average, 6-11 is Somewhat Intelligent, 12-18 is Intelligent, 19+ is Genius.
0) 24 H in a D (24 hours in a day)
1) 26 L of the A
2) 7 D of the W
3) 7 W of the W
4) 12 S of the Z
5) 66 B of the B
6) 54 C in a P (WJs)
7) 13 S in the USF
8) 18 H on a G C
9) 39 B of the O T
10) 5 T on a F
11) 90 D in a R A
12) 3 B M (S H T R)
13) 32 is the T in D F at which W F
14) 15 P on a R T
15) 3 W on a T
16) 100 C in a D
17) 11 P in a F (S) T
18) 12 M in a Y
19) 13 is UFS
20) 8 T on a O
21) 29 D in F in a L Y
22) 27 B in the N T
23) 365 D in a Y
24) 13 L in a B D
25) 52 W in a Y
26) 9 L of a C
27) 60 M in a H
28) 23 P of C in the H B
29) 64 S on a C B
30) 9 P in S A
31) 6 B to an O in C
32) 1000 Y in a M
33) 15 M on a D M C
Not as easy as it might seem, eh? You can find the answers by googling them or I have them also. Good luck!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Blessed Silence
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
I'm a bad mom...
This one doesn't make me a bad mom, it's just funny: I think that Carter may be the only 2 year old to know the words to "If you could hie to Kolob" and "Put your shoulder to the wheel". Mike picks the most random songs to sing to him at bedtime.
Speaking of bedtime, anyone out there have any advice on getting Samantha to sleep? Since she was born, she wouldn't sleep in her own bed for more than 15 minutes. I can get maybe 30-45 minutes out of her now, but as soon as she wakes up and sees that I'm not there, she starts screaming. I have tried crying it out, but she just won't give up! I want her out of our bed and into hers, but her and Carter share a room, so she has to be able to sleep more than 30 minutes on her own. I am completely clueless as to what I should do. As I am writing this, she is screaming in my bed because tried about 6 times over an hour to put her down once she was asleep and she woke up every time. Maybe I could hire someone to hold her while she sleeps? I hear royal nannies had people to do that in the old days... Any takers?
Sunday, September 2, 2007
We have arrived...

I went to the library and checked out a bunch of photography books, so I can actually use it. I am very excited. Hopefully I can figure it all out and get some good pictures.
Otherwise, life is fairly uneventful. I am sick, the first time I have been really sick since I was pregnant with Carter, I think. Pre-kids I would have laid on the couch all weekend watching TV. Not anymore, sadly enough, the only thing I have been doing differently is taking a long nap every day with Samantha. We did stay home from church today. It's just a cold, but it sure does suck.
Mike was in Las Vegas for work this past week. He had quite the busy week--Partying it up with the Hilton sisters:
One of his vendors got some of his co-workers and him into the club where they were having a party to celebrate Nicky's new clothing line. Mike also saw LL Cool J and some NBA players. He missed out on the party with Eminem and Jay Z, but I hear there were a bunch of thugs there. I can't believe the amount of money the vendors spend on their buyers. It's nuts. Maybe they should send a little of that cash to the little kids in China making the clothes. But, that's a whole other issue.
Anyways, I am pooped and my hacking cough is getting worse, I am off to bed.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Busy, Busy, Busy...
The rest of this week has just been resting up from last week, and trying to get this house cleaned up. My kids know when I want to get things done and do everything in their power to thwart my efforts. Samantha took a total of 45 minutes of nap today and then wouldn't go to sleep tonight--that's a whole other issue. Carter also declined the nap today, after playing in his room for a half hour, he comes out and says "good morning mommy!" in this high pitched, syrupy sweet voice. He was a terror today. Needless to say, I did not finish cleaning the house. I need to lower my expectations.
One cute thing Carter is doing now is using the word "super" for everything:
"It's super rainy"
"I'm super sorry, Dad"
"It's super locked"
Everything is super. It's a good thing he is so funny, otherwise, we probably would have sent him away months ago.
Anyways, I think that's enough for now. We don't have much going on in the next little while, except Mike going to Vegas next week for work. I am pretty jealous, but I am pretty sure that there are some sort of laws against bringing young children into the casinos. I am just hoping to hold on to the very last bit of sanity I have going for me. We'll see...