
Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sleep baby, sleep

After I have read no less than 11 books on sleep, tried everything imaginable, and anxiously waited through hours of crying (not all at once) all in an effort to get Samantha to nap for longer than 20 minutes at a time, Mike did it in one try. How frustrating!!! Mike had the kids on Saturday while I went to Super Saturday at the church. It was the first time that he really put down Samantha for a nap and she slept for 2 hours!!! She did it again today so I think it may be more than a fluke. I should be happy that he is such a great dad, but I'm not. I am the mom, shouldn't I be the best at child-rearing? Aren't I the one who went to 6 years of school for this (alright, that's an exaggeration, but it felt like it)? He also corrects me quite frequently on my interactions with Carter. Needless to say, it usually doesn't go over well.

I finally got around to downloading some of my pictures, so here are some random shots:

Carter got some temporary tattoos, here he is showing off his tough muscles. You can't see it in the picture, but he is straining so hard he is shaking. Sometimes when we are bored, we will let Samantha drive, just to see where we end up... just kidding, she just got tired of the car seat while we were waiting for Mike.
I know I am biased, but isn't she so cute?I left her in her plaything while I got in the shower. I found this when I got out. There was no spit-up anywhere else, just on her head. Not sure how that works. We went to "Boo at the Zoo" last night. Carter had a blast. Mike and I just survived. There were soooo many people (and mummies) there!One of Carter's favorite things to do is hop in the crib and hang out with his sister. Here is one of the few blissful moments I get with them together. Really, he is pretty sweet with her most of the time. He also likes to lay on her, push her over, kneel on her, head butt her and pretty much anything else he thinks sounds like fun at the moment. Don't worry, I watch him closely most of the time :).