
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I love the doctor's office!

Not really, but one would think so with the number of visits I have made there over the past week. Last week, it was Samantha's diaper rash, Tuesday it was Samantha's bald spot (it's behind her ear, no big deal) and then today Carter's ears. Love it. We tried the new Kohl's clinic out today instead of making the 30 minute trek down to the pediatrician. It was OK--great for me, not so great for Carter. The nurse was great with him, but I swear the Nurse Practitioner couldn't see Carter's eardrums, she kept looking over and over again and saying that his ears were just really waxy. I don't believe it for a second. Carter's Dr. always knows what's going on. Anyways, long story short, if you need something quick and easy checked out--try it out (for all you Kohl's wives out there). It's super cheap. The pharmacy is fabulous--$5 prescriptions--can you really beat that?

The whole point of the story is what Carter said to me at the Dr. The nurse gave him a whole bunch of stickers, and he was putting them everywhere. He gave one to himself for being a big boy, and then he put one on me and said, "that's for being a good mommy." Totally made my week, especially since I feel like all I do lately is yell at him. He has some serious jealousy going on, he pushed Samantha off of the cart the other day at Sam's club--she was buckled in her car seat and was scared, but fine--that is just one example of what I am dealing with lately. Today he tried to push her (in her car seat again) out of the car. The funny thing is that he always tells me that he is going to do it. "I am going to push her out..." "I am going to pinch her..." "I am going to put water on her face...". I don't know what I am going to do with him.

My favorite sister gets here tonight (sorry to the rest of you sisters, but you all know that's how it is), and I am so excited! Carter loves her and I always love seeing her. We have lots of fun stuff planned. I need go clean my house, so I'm not embarrassed when she gets here. Later!