I went to the library and checked out a bunch of photography books, so I can actually use it. I am very excited. Hopefully I can figure it all out and get some good pictures.
Otherwise, life is fairly uneventful. I am sick, the first time I have been really sick since I was pregnant with Carter, I think. Pre-kids I would have laid on the couch all weekend watching TV. Not anymore, sadly enough, the only thing I have been doing differently is taking a long nap every day with Samantha. We did stay home from church today. It's just a cold, but it sure does suck.
Mike was in Las Vegas for work this past week. He had quite the busy week--Partying it up with the Hilton sisters:
One of his vendors got some of his co-workers and him into the club where they were having a party to celebrate Nicky's new clothing line. Mike also saw LL Cool J and some NBA players. He missed out on the party with Eminem and Jay Z, but I hear there were a bunch of thugs there. I can't believe the amount of money the vendors spend on their buyers. It's nuts. Maybe they should send a little of that cash to the little kids in China making the clothes. But, that's a whole other issue.
Anyways, I am pooped and my hacking cough is getting worse, I am off to bed.
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