
Thursday, November 15, 2007


It really feels like we just brought Samantha home yesterday; I can't believe how fast she is growing! She started crawling on Monday and it is so fun watching her learn that crawling isn't just for getting to toys that are out of reach, but for getting places. As I was doing dishes in the kitchen I saw her out of the corner of my eye heading down the hall. It is so fun, even if it does mean that now I have to keep the house a little cleaner. She also got her first tooth last week and the second one popped out today. She eats like a horse, which is strange after feeding picky Carter who wouldn't eat meat or grains and choked on almost everything we fed him. I could be feeding her cat food out of a rusty bucket and I bet she would eat it (I haven't tried this, don't worry). She really has turned into a really happy, great baby. I love her guts.

On another note, Carter is starting to be a little bit nicer, which is a pleasant change.

He said the funniest thing today. I was asking him if he wanted to have a sleepover with his aunt Amber. He said "no, because Amber and Sarah live in the airport!". He doesn't really get that people get on airplanes and leave the airport, he only knows that that is where we drop them off. I tried to explain it, but I am pretty sure he still thinks they live there.

Well, I don't have much more to write and it's time for Thursday night TV. See ya!


Miriam said...

how exciting! I think it's so much more fun when they start crawling and walking. It's fun to watch them discover the world.

Jodee Luke said...

I just wanted to wish you a happy GOX oh I mean Thanksgiving week!