
Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I have been seriously slacking in the blogging department. Part of it is that I have been busy, the other part is that even with all that business, nothing is very exciting. I did have a fun weekend though. My friend Karen had a pumpkin party, where everyone brought a pumpkin dish to share. The food was amazing, and I ate so much I made myself sick (I had to be nice and try everything :)). Who knew that you could do so much with pumpkin?

Then, Saturday night I went out on a "date" with my friend Laura. It was great. It has been so long since I have been out without either of the kids. Samantha hasn't liked it much when I have left her before, so I have been hesitant to leave her again. We saw the movie about Queen Elizabeth since there wasn't much else that wasn't rated R. It was actually a pretty interesting movie. The best part was that the Renaissance Club was there. Do these people not realize that everyone is mocking them??? Seriously, some clubs are nerdy, but these people really take the cake. Because it was opening night, they were introduced individually before the movie as Lady this and Captain that. Then they had some medieval trivia for t-shirts. Seriously, who knows this stuff? I just loved that they attempted the accent. It really made the evening complete. I pray every day that my kids won't ever come home in costume, I don't know what I would do (sorry if this offends any closet Renaissance lovers that I may not know about out there).

Mike and I have been looking for houses, we have decided that we are done with the apartment management thing. I have too much going on and it is just too much. It has been a great job, but with 2 kids it is just too much. You should see me trying to show an apartment. It's like a little traveling circus--"you will notice the skylight - Carter don't touch that! - and the fabulous balcony - AHHHHHH (Samantha)... alright I don't really say things like that, but you get the picture. I am amazed that anyone would rent from us after witnessing the chaos that is us. Anyways, back to the houses...we are not planning on moving until March or April because we don't rent over the winter so it's easy money for now. My problem is that I look at a house and get attached. I imagine what we could do with it and which rooms would be for what... and then Mike reminds me that we aren't buying anything for a while and I have to break it off with the house. It's actually quite traumatic. The other frustrating part is the realization that we really can't afford what we really want and lowering our expectations. It looks like we will probably have to do some work on whatever we buy and it probably won't be perfect. I don't know why we are so worried, if our current track record continues, we won't be in it for more than 2 years.

Anyway, that really is about all that has been going on. I have to get to bed, it has been a long few nights with Samantha and I am seriously sleep deprived. Good Night!