One of my favorite memories as a child was going to feed the ducks. We would pop a big bag of popcorn (
FYI the ducks out here prefer the cheap
Wal Mart bread) and have blast feeding it all to the ducks. So, I love taking Carter to do it. We have the perfect spot, and the ducks come up out of the water as soon as they see a kid headed toward them. The one thing that I never had to deal with as a kid were the mean, mean geese! Today Carter was having a good time with the ducks, when all of a sudden, here come a gaggle of geese (isn't that what they are called?). They totally bullied their way in and took all the food. Then, they had the nerve to stand there hissing at us. I was almost certain that they were going to attack. I don't see what the sport in hunting geese is. I could have taken one out today by kicking it in the head. I
definitely don't see what people around here like about these things. They put fake ones on their lawns like they are some beautiful creature. All I know is that when I see them hanging out in the road it is all I can do to not take them out. I hate them. Carter still had a good time, and if you ask him, he will tell you the ducks were nice, but the geese were "a little bit crabby".
I love the way he launches the bread at the ducks. Each time, he would scare some of them back into the water.
After feeding the ducks, we checked out the water fall. Carter is obsessed with water falls. We drive by this one
almost everyday and he still gets excited
every time. Whenever we drive anywhere, he always asks to drive by it. I don't think it's that this specific one is that great, it is nice, but he gets just as excited
about the nasty fountains outside
Wal Mart. Go figure. After a heavy rain, it turns a foul yellow color and Carter announces that someone needs to clean it out. I'd like to see someone volunteer for that one...

One thing that I do love about Wisconsin are the little bits of nature that they have preserved in the middle of the city. After the water fall, we went for a little walk. One minute you are crossing main street, the next you are in this:

It is really beautiful. Every time I see these awesome secluded trails so close to my house I tell myself that I need to get the kids on a schedule so I can start running again. At this time of year, is it really worth it though? I would just get to where I can run a mile without passing out and winter would set in. Maybe next spring. For now, I will just keep doing my little Denise Austin workouts every morning and dream of being skinny again.
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