
Friday, April 11, 2008

I'm Buzz Lightyear, I come in pace

The title isn't a typo, Carter really thinks that what he says. I guess he doesn't know what "Peace" means, so he uses pace. Who knows, it makes sense to him I guess. The whole point of this is that he found his old Halloween costume today and decided to wear it... To the 2 grocery stores and the library. Purple "helmet" and wings and all (we want him to be safe, right?). You can imagine the looks I got. I can't tell you how many kids I heard whisper to their moms "That kid is dressed like Buzz Lightyear!". I am sure that was a fun conversation for those moms - "I know that mom lets her kid go out in costume, but no, you can't wear your pumpkin costume to school today..." Sorry... Anyways, he was super cute today. Before we left he told me very excitedly that everyone at the store was going to be so excited to see Buzz Lightyear. He spent the morning jumping from a laundry basket into his bed in an attempt to fly. What it would be like to be so young and innocent again...


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I laughed so hard when I saw that because just this past week, Zach has gotten into the whole Toy Story bit. He's convinced that as he jumps off the couch, he is TRULY flying. He gets mad when you try to convince him otherwise. He screams, "to infinity and beyond" everytime. I think Zach and Carter are kindred spirits!