
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Finally, A New Post!

I have just been busy lately trying to get this house put together and just enjoying the great weather that we had last week (of course it is rainy all this week). I have better about taking my camera with me places, so I have a million pictures to download. Enjoy!

Easter Morning: The coveted Snickers Egg (it's filled with Snickers).

The aforementioned non-shooting Pez dispenser.Samantha's Easter balls(?). The Easter Bunny is too accustomed to bringing boy things to this house. At least they are pink and purple, right?Carter was incredibly proud that he had made his own breakfast one Saturday while Mike and I were upstairs. Look closely--yes, that is a mixing bowl and that would be water, not milk. Gross! He ate most of it, though. Samantha will climb up anything. We walked into the office and found her on top of the step ladder jumping up and down. She would have stayed there all day if we would have let her. Carter enjoying a movie somewhere in Nebraska. I swear that has to be the flattest, boringest state ever. The kids get jobs at the McDonald's just to get some small glimpse into what is happening in the real world as people stop in on their way through.

Samantha playing with her cousin Brady who so kindly shared his fabulous toys.
The weather in Denver was sooo great! We went to the park without jackets! It was the first time that I worried about sun exposure in a long time. Our pasty white Wisconsin skin was in shock at the first rays, but after a while we remembered what it was like to have more skin exposed than the space between your coat sleeve and your mittens. It was great. Then just like that we were back in Wisconsina and it was gone.

Mike enjoying some downtime with the kids. Although the reason he had off work wasn't ideal, it was nice to have some family time!
Samantha discovered Noodles and Co's Wisconsin Mac and Cheese (it's even called that in Denver, where it's headquarters are, incidentally). She could not get enough! This one I just noticed as I was editing the pictures. Same:
Same: Not much doubt that they are siblings, right?
Please, Mom! No more pictures! Carter is finally starting to see that a little sister can be useful after all:
Samantha has this fascination with sunglasses and has never been able to get them to stay on her head. She was so excited when these finally stayed!
Almost home! It took FOREVER to unpack everything, but we did it!
Back home, enjoying a day at the zoo. It was Samantha's first train ride. I was afraid that she was going to dive out mid-ride, but we were able to keep her inside the car.
We hit Cold Stone after the zoo. I told Carter about it forever ago, but we haven't gone. He is always talking about it like we go all the time. So we finally went. Stating the obvious, Carter loves chocolate. This was only the beginning. It was downhill from here. Let's just say I had to wash the coat. And the shirt. And the pants. Samantha was content just to push this chair around Cold Stone until she fell backwards and it landed on top of her. The chair seat landed right on her little nose, giving her a bloody nose and cutting her right below the nose. I thought about taking a picture, but I am not sure I want proof of my neglect. It turned out to be fine, and she recovered within a few minutes. Here she is pre-fall.
We had such a great weekend! The weather was fabulous, so we spent Saturday outside trying to make our house look a little better. There is a strip of dirt running between the driveway and the house that was overgrown and just a mess. There were a few trellises help up with twine and broomsticks, and an ancient clothesline with old rusty poles. It ended up taking the whole day just to tear everything out and make it so we could plant anything. After taking the afternoon tearing out everything living or not, our neighbors come over to introduce themselves and start talking about the amazing hollyhocks that grow 10-15 feet tall each summer in that little garden. Oops. Not anymore. There was something with incredibly large roots. How am I suppsed to know that it's not some random weed? We did plant some roses, though. I got them for $3 a bush from Sam's Club. That seems really cheap. I am not really expecting them to make it and if they do, I will be amazed if they bloom. I also got some raspberry and blueberry bushes from Aldi. Again, super cheap. If this is one of those instances where you get what you pay for, I am screwed. The next outside project is the back yard. Yikes!