
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The short bus

Alright, so almost all of the kids at Carter's school ride short buses. Considering there are maybe 4 kids on this bus, I guess it's OK.
This is Carter's first time riding the bus! I took him to school last year, but with Ben on the way and Samantha to tow around as well, making the twice a day trip just doesn't seem as fun. But as you can see by the smile on his face, Carter loves the idea. Now I just need to get over the anxiety. Something about trusting someone to get your kid where he needs to be is just hard. What if he gets left on the bus? It happens all the time here. OK, he could probably figure out how to open the doors as long as he isn't sleeping. What if they take him to the wrong house after school? He is wearing a bracelet with his address on it and I have seen the route sheet with his name and address on it. But still, these are the things that keep me up at night. We went over the bus rules today - always wear your seat belt, don't get off at anyone else's house, always sit at the front...
One more sign that my baby is growing up!

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aztrina31 said...

He Is So Very Cute!! Way Big Smile....You Done Great With ur kids