
Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Beach

Being someone who doesn't love the water (I finally learned how to swim in college), I sure have 2 little fish for kids! Some girls from the ward got together at the beach the other day and I so I decided to surprise Carter when he got home from school. We had everything all ready and all he had to do was put on his swimsuit. Should be easy, right? Not with my kids. First, he was disappointed that Mike wasn't coming. Then he just wouldn't change. Then we had an argument over what shoes he would wear. I was telling him to wear his flip-flops because his shoes would fill up with sand. Finally after pretending that I was going to leave him (secretly I kind of wanted to) he changed in record time and showed up at the car in his flip flops. Why do my kids make it so hard to have a good time?

Anyways, as you can tell by the pictures, they did have a great time. I however, was ill prepared and was definitely ready to leave before they were. I didn't want to get into a swimsuit (nor do I own a maternity swimsuit) so I just wore shorts, thinking my kids would stay by me and not want to get in very deep. Wrong. Samantha kept walking out to where the current would knock her over and then flail until I would rescue her. Then Carter threw sand in her eyes and I had to hold her as I poured water over her face. Needless to say, I was soaked and cranky by the time we left. I will definitely be taking them back to the beach, but never alone, and never, ever 9 months pregnant. Lesson learned.

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