
Friday, August 14, 2009


I have been living away from my family for 5 years now. In all honesty, it hasn't been that bad. I see them once or twice a year, we talk on the phone and I have been left out of quite a bit of the drama that is bound to happen in a family of 10 kids. However, there are certain times when big things happen or I see the neighbor kids playing with grandma and grandpa, or I hear about kids having sleepovers with cousins that I really wish that I lived closer to family. I was feeling that way this last week as I have been overwhelmed with kids, house projects, cleaning, and being constantly exhausted. I was thinking "If only I could just drop them off at Grandma's for the day", or "I wish I had a sister here to help me out". Then, on Monday night, my great friend Karen invited me out to a movie. I was excited to go out, but even more excited when after some sneaky suggesting on her part, we ended up at Cheesecake Factory at a surprise shower for me! I was so touched to see how many people showed up to support me and to realize the dear friends that I have met here in Milwaukee. I honestly can't imagine how I would get by without them. I realize that even though I don't have family nearby, I have a number of friends who (whom?) I would definitely count as family. You know who you are, and I hope you know how much you mean to me. Thank you!!!


Sarah said...

That is so sweet! Honestly I don't know what I would do without the church and the friends that we have made wherever we have lived. Your friends really do become your family!