
Saturday, August 22, 2009

I'm ready!

The house is clean (even the basement), the nursery is ready, clothes are washed, babysitters are lined up, and the car seat is installed. I'm as big as a house and ready for this kid to get out of me! Carter was talking to him the other day, yelling into my stomach "Ben, come out soon! Mommy is tired of being pregnant with you!". Amen brother.

A kind lady in Wal-Mart last night inquired if I was having twins. After Mike told her no, she replied "wow, she's big." I said thank you and turned around to avoid having what was going through my mind come out my mouth. She then tried to make it better by saying that it must be a boy because I am carrying so low (read huge). Thank you very much, wait until you see me 20 days from now when I am overdue and really "low".

And lastly, I will be thrilled when I no longer have the same bladder capacity as Samantha.

I have been walking every morning, working my butt off around the house, trying positive thinking "come on baby, come on out...", and anything else I can think of to start labor. So far, it's a no go. I'll keep you posted!


Kristi said...

I once had a woman do the same exact thing when I was still working. I was not even eight months pregnant with Zach. I was also told once that I must be having a boy because you tend to carry all the weight in your butt. It was all I could do to not flip that woman off, but I smiled politely and left. People don't have filters on their mouths when it comes to pregnant women! I will send out good thoughts for a speedy delivery! Good luck!

We are 3. said...

Oh, Linda you look great! And keep up the postive may work! I remember being so negative the last couple weeks of my pregnancy 'cuase everyone else had their babies before me, but when it came time to have him I thought, "pregnancy isn't so bad. Maybe I can wait two more weeks!"
Its all relative! Hang in there!