I swear, if I hadn't seen Samantha come out and remember being pregnant with her, I would swear she is somehow my sister's child. Here are just a few of the reasons why:
1. She loves shoes. Always has. From the time she could walk she had an opinion on which shoes she would wear as well as what shoes everyone else should wear. She knows whose shoes are whose and loves to pick out everyone's shoes for the day. I rotate through about 4 pairs of shoes. I understand the fascination with shoes, but having quite possibly the widest feet in the world (thanks, dad), cute shoes are truly more torture devices than anything. And they get wider with each pregnancy. By the time I am done having kids I will be shopping in some hidden shoe store somewhere a la Peggy Hill.
2. She loves to do hair and have her hair done. She loves ribbons, clips, blow drying, whatever. The day after her haircut she was asking for another one. The picture below says it all. This is how much I cared about what my hair looked like when I was little. I care more now, but still I get antsy by the time I am done getting my hair cut and I spend the least amount of time possible doing it in the morning.

She loves to do hair as well. While Amber was out here she was kind enough to let her do her hair. She had the round brush, a comb and some clips and worked on Amber's hair for a good hour. The best part was halfway through, she picked up a toy and started using it as a cell phone. So here she is, round brushing Amber's hair and talking to Grandma on the phone. It was like watching a little mini-Amber at work. I got a picture, but it's on Amber's camera and she hasn't sent it to me yet. I will post it when I get it. It was hilarious.
3. She loves to shop. Yesterday she came up to me, grabbed my hand and started pulling me and said "Mom, let's go shopping. Right now." Don't get me wrong, I love to spend money, but that is completely different than loving shopping. I hate looking through lots of racks, I hate trying things on, and I hate the crowds. I like to walk in, get what I need/want and get the rock out of there. Mike could shop for hours but I am in and out. No fun, I know.
4. She doesn't like to nap. I would take daily naps if I could. I would seriously consider moving to South America if it meant that I could have siestas. One of the few positive things that has come of Carter being in a cast is that I have been able to take frequent naps. Today I tried putting her down for a nap and was told "I don't want to take naps all the time!". Needless to say, she stayed up playing, singing and yelling for 2 hours before I finally gave in and got her up.
She is hilarious, and I love having her around, but some days I seriously wonder where she came from!