
Friday, February 20, 2009

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

Yesterday started out fabulously. Amber (my sister), myself and 2 friends went down to Chicago for a taping of the Oprah show. We drove down the night before and stayed at a hotel because we had to be up so early for the taping. I have to say I impressed even myself with my Priceline negotiating skills. Amazingly, all 4 of us were able to get ready for the show without any serious issues and although we had to get up at 5:30, we made it for the 7:00 deadline. After going through security we had to sit and wait until they started calling people in. We totally lucked out and were able to go in right after all the special reservations had gone in. And even luckier, we got to sit right up front! I sat in the front row, Amber was right behind me, and Kara and Nicki were right across the runway from us. We were worried that it was going to be some lame topic, but it actually turned out to be pretty interesting. Nadya's dad (the octuplets' grandpa) was on the show along with Dr. Oz talking about the octuplets. In a nutshell, he was just asking people not to punish his family for his daughter's (crazy) decision. It still seems kind of surreal, like it didn't really happen. I think it will be more real on Tuesday when it airs. Anyways, it has been a dream of mine forever to go to the Oprah show, so now I can die fulfilled. Maybe not, but it was amazing and I am so glad that I went. I am eternally grateful to Karen and Jessica who watched my kids for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

It was 9 degrees before wind chill and the wind was brutal. Hence the red faces and hunched shoulders.
After the showing we all had to get back to our kids and real life (kind of a bummer). I got Samantha down for a nap and then sat down to relax for a minute. Of course Amber and I fell asleep right away. Unfortunately, we didn't wake up until 3:20. Carter's ortho appointment was at 3:30. I had worked so hard to get it rescheduled once and there was no way they were rescheduling it again, so we just had to book it. Getting the kids out of the house in a normal time frame with plenty of warning is tough enough. Getting the kids out of the house on a moment's notice was insane. We grabbed Samantha out of bed, pulled Carter away from the computer and ran out of the house with both of them screaming and Amber and I still bleary-eyed. We did make it. We were very late, but we made it. After X-rays and the exam, we were told it would be 4 more weeks with Big Red. I was under the impression that it would only be 3 more weeks and I was so upset (I still am). One week doesn't sound like that big of a deal, but one more month of the cast makes me want to cry. It will be 2 months to the day when he gets his cast off, and it has only been one month so far. I should be grateful that he is healing well, and that he is healthy otherwise, and I guess I am. I am just frustrated that the light at the end of the tunnel is farther away than I expected.
So lots of ups and downs yesterday, but all in all it was definitely a day that I won't forget. And to top it all off, Mike got home last night! He has been gone since Tuesday and it is great to have him home. Granted I was asleep by the time he got home and still asleep when he left early this morning, but at least we are in the same vicinity now!


Angie Lewis said...

I'm so jealous you got to go to Oprah... Glad things are going well with Carter's healing. Good luck with the rest of it! :)

Jodee Luke said...

I can't wait to look for you gals on Tuesday! So fun!