
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Lesson learned...

Never complain about not having anything to blog about. Apparently Karma is linked fairly intimately with the blogging world and can make things happen. Never again.

Really, things aren't bad right now. Sure, we really aren't going anywhere with Big Red, but at least this didn't happen during the summer. 7 weeks then would have wiped out pretty much the entire summer. Now that the weather is nicer it is a little bit of a bummer, but it has been nice to have an excuse to not venture out into the cold. I will say that this has given me a renewed sense of gratitude for my family's overall health. We were in the hospital for 3 days and a wheelchair for 7 weeks, but there are plenty of parents who have kids in wheelchairs permanently and others whose kids are in and out of the hospital constantly. We could have it so much worse. Granted, the timing wasn't great with Mike's mom dying, but that's how we learn and grow, right? We are just growing a lot right now (although I am pretty sure a lot of that growth is a result of how much TV we have been watching recently). I really can't complain too much. It will be nice to get back to normal, but we take what we are given and deal with it.

My sister is getting here on Sunday and I am so excited! Mike is going to Vegas this week for work, so it will be great to have the extra set of hands. And everything worked out for Oprah, thanks to some very kind friends. So I will get to fulfill my lifetime dream of going to the Oprah show. Come on free stuff!!! Just kidding, I know that if I get my hopes up it will be on weird sex disorders or male menopause. Maybe I will get to meet Dr. Oz. A girl can dream, right?


Kristi said...

OOOH! I would love to be on one of her favorite give away shows! I hope you get some rad stuff!