
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Oprah here we come!

I think... So, I just found out that I got tickets to the Oprah show. Awesome news, right? Well, not quite. They are for the worst possible day this month. The good new is that it is while my sister is out, so she will be able to come. The bad news is Mike gets back from Vegas that day and Carter has an orthopedist appointment that day as well, which is proving to be very difficult to reschedule. We have to be at the show by 7am that day so instead of driving down that morning, we want to just get a hotel room the night before and stay the night. However, with me missing the husband, that leaves no one with my kids. And while they are pretty sound sleepers, I am pretty sure there are laws against that.

So, I guess the question is, does anyone want to come spend the night at my house on Wednesday night, the 18th? I should be home by 1pm on Thursday and I can put the kids to bed before I leave on Wednesday. The only catch is that you would have to be able to carry my kid and his cast down the stairs in the morning (I could maybe find someone to do this for you). I am willing to pay. Maybe someone could stay the night and someone else could come over in the morning?

Also, since Jessica can't take the day off, I have an extra ticket. Anyone interested? You have to find me a babysitter to be considered. Just kidding. But it would be nice. :)


Christine Chaplin said...

I wish I could go! :(

josieposie said...

How fun! Do you know what the topic is?

Unknown said...

What day is it?

Linda said...

The show is Thursday, Feb 19. We have to be there for the taping by 7 am. I have no idea what the topic is. Probably menopause :).

Unknown said...

hmmm...that sounds enticing...I wonder if Steve would go for it...I would probably have to go early that morning...nursing children always put a damper on things...but a babysitter...I want to go...let me know if you still have a ticket!

Kat said...

Can I say JEALOUS? I would love to go to a show. And, I would love to baby sit for you as well so that you could go. Do you want to pay for two plane tickets from Utah?and I would love to babysit. ;o)