
Sunday, November 23, 2008


Yes, my car seat order was cancelled. Target sent me an email stating that the price was wrong, but if I wanted to order it for $247 I still could. Whatever. What I find funny about the whole situation is how upset some people are getting about this. I am disappointed, but I will deal with it and move on. There are people calling their local news, boycotting Target and setting up groups to barrage them with emails. So funny.


Sarah L. said...

Hey girl. So Asher was just "diagnosed" as gifted and I think your Carter is to. You need to read this book The survival Guide for parents of gifted kids by sally yahnke walker. It will help you see why most usual discipline stuff doesn't work and him and why he asks so many questions. Let me know what you think

vanessa said...

Hey Linda. I found your blog from Karen's. I was wondering if you got that $25 gift card they supposedly gave everyone for the mixup on this deal? Freebies4Mom talked about it. Just curious!