
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Highly Recommended...

I finished this book last week. It was incredible. This was the first woman to leave the FLDS church with her kids and get custody. She was also partly responsible for bringing down Warren Jeffs. It is amazing that people live like this today. Abuse is rampant, and the men treat the women like possessions. I could go on about the crazy things that go on down there in Colorado City and Texas, but you really should read this for yourself. It is especially interesting reading this from an LDS perspective, because you can see little bits of our doctrine and how it is so skewed. Check this one out. It's a quick read (it took me 2 days, but I am a fast reader), and it will make you so grateful that you weren't born into their crazy world.


January said...

OMG! I saw an interview she did on a talk show, and the story she told was heartbreaking. I can't even imagine what that would be like.

Christine Chaplin said...

I read this book and it was incredible! Brave woman!