
Thursday, July 31, 2008

It's not fair!

Today was the first day of the state fair. Admission was $2 with the donation of some canned goods. Me and a friend thought it would be a great day to bring the kids and check it out. It was what I imagine hell must be like. Let me explain. We were concerned that Jayme may not be well enough to fly out here tomorrow, meaning that someone else would have to go out and get her when she was well enough and who knows when that will be. So, we decided to have a family fast for her. I didn't put the two together until last night. Can I tell you how hard it was to walk through the food booths on my way to and from my car? Corn dogs, french fries, funnel cakes, Dippin' Dots, Lemonade - all of my favorite foods and I could have none of it. It should count as a double fast really. And, after all of that, Carter was so cranky that we looked at the cows, sheep and rabbits and then left. Such a waste of a morning.


January said...

I am so sorry that was a hard day for you. You are stronger than I am, cause I would have totally bought something!

Nicki said...

Never again! Unless we go alone...with the purpose of fasting FOR the fair so we can eat more!!! Losing my keys was when I lost it and decided I was done!

EmmaLee Robinson said...

I was going over our blog and found your comment. I am so happy you found our blog. It is so good to see pictures of you guys. How are thing going? Your two kids are so cute.