
Friday, February 1, 2008


What is his name? Michael Joseph
How long have we been married? 6 years
How old is he? 29
Who eats more? It's a toss up. I have to say that I can hold my own.
Who said I love you first? Mike. But it wasn't a real "I love you", it was "I think I love you..."
Who is taller? Mike
Who sings better? Quite honestly, we both suck, but Mike sucks at a lot more than me :). You should hear us try to harmonize at FHE. Our poor kids don't have a chance.
Whose temper is worse? Definitely mine. I had such the temper when I was younger, and thought I had overcome it. Then I had a 2 year old. Enough said.
Who is smarter? Me. And Mike admits it.
Who mows the lawn? Mike has been mowing the apartment lawns every week for the last 2 summers. He can have this summer off. He also has the winter off. Am I a great wife or what? Ok, so he did get me a snowblower and I will be surprised if our lawn takes more than 20 minutes to mow, but it's the thought , right?
Who pays the bills? I do. I would be surprised if Mike knew how to pay half of the bills, or for that matter who we pay them to. It's a control thing. I don't think I would let him if we wanted to.
Who does the dishes? I do. With no dishwasher, Mike's idea of contributing to the dishes is using a paper plate.
Who cooks dinner? I do mostly. Mike is a really good cook, but usually it's me.
Who drives when you are together? He does. He is the worst back seat driver of all time. I am always driiving too fast or too slow. We fight everytime I drive. He says I am too proud. Whatever.
Who is more stubborn? I am. Although when he makes up his mind about something important he will stick to it. Unfortunately both of my children have inherited this fabulous quality from me. Bless Mike's heart for sticking around so long. Heaven knows he in for a long ride...
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? See above.
Who has more friends? Me. For some reason every single friend that I make moves away (you know who you are). I have friends in Seattle, Utah, Kentucky and California. I swear it is a curse. My good friend Laura just moved away. So if you are up for a change in scenery, just become my good friend and presto! Something will happen to make you want to move far, far away. Now that I think about it, maybe it's me.
Who wears the pants in the family? I had to ask Mike this, and he says me. I agree. To his credit, he isn't wearing a skirt yet, maybe just shorts.

I tag Sarah and Nicki.


Anonymous said...

Okay, you are the only reason I didn't want to leave Utah. I told you to come to California too! It's a lot warmer than Wisconsin (altough propane costs a lot). Can I just say that I love that your son says things like "ayudame" and "abre." He must watch Diego because my son was going up his ladder singing "sube, sube." Then he was hanging off of our dining room table yelling "ayudame, ayudame!" I think they would get along fine.

Christine Chaplin said...

You know what . . . . I'll play too! I need to post something since I've been lame at keeping up with my posts . . .

Sarah L. said...

Does that mean I have to do the questions too?

Linda said...

Yes, Sarah, it does. Really, you don't have to if you don't want to, but I promise, it's fun:).

Sarah L. said...

Ok I did it. It was fun