
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Good News!

I actually have quite a few good things to report. Here they are (not in any order):

Carter is now potty trained. Wait, didn't we start potty training him back in August? Yes. and he did great for a while. Then it became a power struggle and we were fighting about it all the time, so he went back into Pull-Ups. We went to the pediatrician a few weeks ago for his yearly check-up and the nice doctor told Carter that he was 3 now and it was time that he went in the potty. That was the end of Pull-ups. 1 week later he was fully potty trained. Apparently I hold no authority in my house. Now if only I could find someone to convince Mike to do the dishes...

I lost 10 pounds! I am sure that I gained some of it back with the Superbowl, but I am back on the Slim in 6 workouts (that would be Slim in 7 for me). That puts me back at where I was pre-Samantha. I would love to lose at least 10 more. 3 more weeks, we'll see! Mike has lost almost 20, go Mike!

I finally unpacked my last box from moving. We had the Superbowl party here and that was my motivation. The office has been a dumping ground for all of the miscellaneous crap that we didn't know what to do with. It took FOREVER, but I got it done. It feels awesome! I also finally got on Craig's list and found someone to take away all my empty boxes.

I finished so many projects last week, including the dining room. I need to take some after pictures, so I will post before and afters tomorrow. I still need to do some finishing touches--picutres on the walls, more decorating, but I have done all I can with what I have. Stay tuned for pictures...

I finished the first real, non-parenting book that I can remember. Honestly, Harry Potter was probably the last real book I read, right after it came out. It took a lot longer than usual (a month instead of the couple of days it usually takes), but I finished it! It was "Love in the time of Cholera". It was a little scandelous for my taste, but overall a very touching love story.

On a sadder note, Carter is sick. He poked himself in the eye yesterday really hard and today it was red and had lots of nasty eye boogers, so I thought maybe he had scratched his eye or something. So I took him in and it turns out that he has an ear/eye infection and it is just coincidence that he poked his eye. Weird. Anyways, hopefully he will get better soon, becuase those eye boogies make me sad (and really grossed out).


Sarah L. said...

Smokes you have done a lot this last little while. Good job with the weight loss. I can't wait to see pics of your place. So when my kids get the eye boogers, I boil 1/2 cup of water and 1 tsp of baking soda and put it in a steril cup. Then no double dipping but you get a cotton ball and dip it in the solution and wipe their eyes. it works great. Take it or leave it. Talk to ya later