
Saturday, February 23, 2008

So much to say

It feels like forever since I have blogged and I have had so much to say, I know I will forget it all but let's see...

The highlight of this week had to be my run this morning. It wasn't long, only 1-2 miles, but it was so refreshing. I did have to run in the middle of the street because there is at least an inch of ice on all the sidewalks, and I almost slipped and fell a few times, but it was great to get out. Usually when I am getting back into running it is miserable the first few weeks. I guess it is because I am in better shape now, but it felt sooooo good and I am looking forward to going tomorrow. Unfortunately the weather will be crappy again this week, so it will probably be a little while before I can actually start going on a regular basis. I am finally living close enough to a good friend who will be my running buddy once things warm up. We are planning our races for the summer to help keep us motivated. Yay!

I am officially off the Slim in 6. It is a great workout and I lost weight with it, but quite honestly, finding a full hour out of my day to do the workout everyday was a little much for me. I have been working out everyday though, and feeling better about myself. I watched a show the other day called "How to Look Good Naked". Carson Kressley helps these women get over their body issues and just learn to like themselves the way they are. It has lead to a break through. I have found that when I am working out for me to be healthy rather than to be skinnier than all the other girls out there it is a lot easier and a lot more rewarding. I swear I picked up more from the skinnies in the eating disorder center that I worked at than they did from me. Who doesn't have issues though?

On another note, things are getting better with Carter. My sister-in-law sent me a book called 123 Magic. I know it is a lame title, but it was great! It is very logical and very simple. It basically reminded me that I need to chill out and stop letting Carter get me so upset about little things. I would highly recommend it to anyone with a kid over the age of 2. Fabulous...

I seem to have forgotten the other things that I meant to write about, so I am off to bed.


Anonymous said...


Are you still doing slim in 6? How does it go?
I also reside in Milwaukee area and would like to have someone to start it with. are you interested? My email address is:

Good luck,

Sarah L. said...

Hey Linda. So I tried the 123 magic thing and after a couple of weeks I heard myself turn into one of those parents that say 1, 2, 2.5, 2.75 because it just didn't work with Asher after a while. I found one that I like better and if you are interested great, if not, no harm. It has worked sooooooo good for Asher but not just for a little while, but it will work for the rest of his upbringing. I can use these theories when he is a teenager and everything. I love it. The book is called "Parenting with Love and Logic" You can get in on Amazon for like 10 - 15 bucks. Scotty and I love it. If you want you can call me and I will give you the main theories that they go off of. 805-499-8340 Good Luck

Linda said...


I am up for anything. I have found something useful in almost every parenting book I have read, I will check that one out. Thanks for your comment on 3 year old boys. It's great to know that I'm not the only one who loses every now and then!

PS - You look fabulous for 30!

Sarah L. said...

I just love you. Good Luck. Asher is doing so much better now that I have figured out how to be his parent. It only gets better :)