Carter taking a nice little foot bath. He thought that the foot bath is what made my toenails turn red, so he kept excitedly asking "what color do you think my toenails will come out?" I would have painted them for him, but I know that Mike frowns upon that kind of thing...
Here I was really trying to get a picture of Carter with his ginormous headphones on, but I love the dirty look I got. He loves to take his time, listen to a little music, watch a little TV, just hang out on the potty. It must be genetic.
We resorted to making houses out of the cardboard boxes that we had downstairs. Where is spring?
Samantha insists on crying herself to sleep every time she goes down. It makes absolutely no difference what we do, and we have tried everything. Apparently the other day it was just too much for her. When I went in to wake her up for church, this is what I found:

This is the best way to show you her new laugh. It totally sounds fake, and she does fake it, often. She just opens her mouth and lets out this loud laugh that almost sounds like a fat man coughing. It is hilarious. She does it whenever you laugh at her, or when anyone else is laughing around her, whether she gets the joke or not. Man, where did she get that big mouth?
She has discovered raisins. It makes no difference that she only has 2 teeth, she will gum them forever. She found a box in the diaper bag the other day and was so pleased with herself that I couldn't take them away. She probably had half of the box in her mouth at one point, she just kept shoveling them in!

Here she is doing the aforementioned laugh. She discovered that she got a reaction out of me when the nasty half-gummed raisins fell out of her mouth, so she kept doing it. After a minute of this, I was able to bring myself to take them away. Yuck!
Mike and Carter out trying to break up the ice on the driveway. My dad said that they have some green things coming up in Utah (plants). NOT FAIR! Look at all the nasty dirty snow. Why are we still here? 

I love the pics of Samantha in her crib. Graham did that for a while too. But now he does just fine.
Linda, that is hillarious! Poor baby! Your kids are seriously cute.
Oh, I meant to tell you that I resisted painting Zach's toenails for the longest time. He told me how unfair it was that his sister got to do it, that I was really mean...yada yada yada, but I finally did it with clear nail polish! That way he was appeased, and no one could really tell. He's never asked again either!
Love the pics of the kids! Jon says the pic of Carter on the potty reminds him of Mike in highschool with his earphones doing his math homework in front of the TV. ;-) And Samanthan is just a doll! I can't wait until July!
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