This morning he let me sleep in and then made my favorite breakfast of Gandalfo's bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches. We had our good friends Mike and Jessica over for dinner, which was so delicious, and then Mike let Carter pick out a cake for me yesterday at the store. He picked a carrot cake because it had carrots on it and apparently, I love carrots. I do love carrot cake, so it was a good pick. After that, Mike and Mike watched the Jazz game (they recorded it while we were at church) and Jessica and I watched P.S. I Love You (so cute!). Other than the teething/colicky/I don't know what's wrong with her baby, it was an awesome day!
My new addition:
Thanks Mike! You're the best! Keep this up, and I might have more of your babies:).
Nice! Good job Mike! Thanks for the tip on the table. I love good deals!
You updated your blog! I like it! The stuff Carter is coming up with lately is hilarious! It made my day yesterday when I left and he said, "bye, I love you"!
Love it. I also love your new springy blog template. I always look forward to looking at your blog. You make me smile. :)
Love the new template! Very fun!!
Thanks again for your help and tip on the table! I love it.
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