
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

So long, Time Warner Cable.

After much discussion we cancelled cable yesterday. Today is the first day in the Chaplin home in a long time that we are without cable. Even bigger, we are without DVR. The hope is that we will get more done around the house and that the kids will be more active. I have absolutely no faith that being cable-less will help that, but hey it's worth a shot, right? At least we will be saving money. I am definitely starting to feel the crunch with the baby coming. I know I still have a while, but with how little we get done with 2 kids, how are we going to get anything done with 3? I am sure that we will figure it out, but I definitely need to get going on the house projects. With our favorite babysitter (Dora) gone, how is that supposed to happen? Who needs more active kids anyway?