
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Catch up

It seems like I have been so busy this past few weeks and I had so much to blog about, but now I am so far behind that it feels overwhelming. So, I will sum it up with some pictures and call it good.

We went down to Naperville and picked up about 600 pounds of food storage for ourselves and some friends. Then spent the next day canning it all. Wheat anyone?

We had a sewing project with the young women and had some fabric leftover so I made some baby blankets for Ben (that's probably the new baby's name).
I have been figuring out how to use the Photoshop that Mike got for me:And I went to this awesome girl's graduation from dental school. How amazing is she? I am so proud of her. This is my great friend Jessica, she rocks:Mostly though, I have just been trying to keep up with my little ones. This is what I found the other night when I went in to check on the kids. She had taken her pants off, adjusted her diaper and put her pants back on inside out and backwards. And she was wearing Carter's hat backwards. The great part is that this isn't an unusual experience. Usually she takes off her Pull-up and puts her pants back on. I hope I get some of my energy back after this baby gets here. Otherwise I don't know how I am going to keep up!

And now I am off to a childless weekend in Utah hanging out with my family. My little sister is going into the MTC on the 27th, so I wanted to hang out with her before she left. I am a little worried that I will miss the kids, because this is the first time I have left them longer than overnight. But then I think about sleeping in, not cleaning up poop, and going out to eat with just me and other adults and I'm not so worried anymore. Good luck Mike!


Sarah L. said...

Have fun in Utah and yes you have to enjoy it because it's probably the only break you'll get for a long while with the new baby and all;)

Jessica said...

I hope you are having a blast in Utah! I can't wait to start hanging out now that my life is normalizing. Lets do a lot this month!

January said...

haha that ending was priceless! Can't wait to see you tonight and give ya a big hug.