Today was a big day here in the Chaplin home! There were butterflies in the stomach, there has been pencil-shopping, and books purchased. Ok, I don’t really know about the butterflies, but there was a “come on Linda, I have meetings this morning!” as I made him take this picture.
Mike officially became a student again today! Kohl’s has teamed up with UWMadison to offer their employees an MBA program. We decided that now is the time and went for it. Next thing you know, Mike got into the program and I was buying books. Now we are both wondering what we got ourselves into. The next 3 months will be very busy with school and seminary and baby and all, but hopefully we’ll come out better on the other end (is there really ever an end to the busy-ness though?). I’m super proud of Mike and grateful for how hard he works to take care of our family. We’ll have to take another picture when he’s done and see how grey he goes and/or how much hair he loses over the next 2 years .