
Monday, February 6, 2012

Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

Scan.BMPThat seems to be what we are made of around here.  For those who don’t know (I haven’t been great about announcing it), I’m 22 weeks pregnant with a little boy.  I have to admit, the idea of another boy has taken some getting used to.  I felt like I was sicker with this pregnancy than the other boys and I was so sure it was a girl.  I’ve been right with the other 3, so I thought it was a done deal.  Samantha wants a sister really badly and I want her to have a sister.   Some of my best friends are my sisters and I want Samantha to have that for herself.  But alas, the ultrasound tech was as close to 100% sure as you can be that it is indeed a boy.  I told her to be sure, because I would be getting rid of all my little girl clothes (sniff, sniff).  She told me to bring it back in if it’s a girl, because she would like to see that for herself.  Samantha cried when she found out, she was pretty devastated.  Mike and I are happy that everything seems to be going well and he looks healthy.  Samantha is getting used to the idea of always having her own room (at least once the baby is old enough to share with Carter and Ben).  The pink crib bedding has been returned and we are on to picking out boy names.  Right now it’s looking like Adam, but we’ll see if that lasts.  

We are excited and a little bit overwhelmed for this next stage in life.  Since I’ve been feeling better I’ve been getting a lot done around the house.  It has happened with the last 2 pregnancies too.  I ‘m not sure if it’s nesting, the impending year of getting nothing done, or just the fact that the youngest is finally old enough to entertain themselves for longer than 5 minutes, but I tend to get a lot done during the last four or five months of pregnancy.  When I told Mike I was pregnant with this last one, one of the first things he said was “You’re going to nest, right?” So far, I have grouted and painted the second kitchen upstairs that we have been meaning to get to for the last 3 years.  I’ve also been doing some serious organizing, which I really love.  I have a few building projects up my sleeve once we get some nicer weather – some bookshelves, a storage bench, things like that. Time is flying and before I know it he will be here and things will never be the same!


Karen said...

Congratulations! Another Chaplin - love it!

Post pics of the projects.

Kristi said...

I had the exact same experience with Quinn. I was SURE he as a girl, and I even dreamed about a girl...lots of times. I too have sisters who are my best friends, and I was devastated for Violet. However, she loves her baby brother too, and we just make sure she gets lots and lots of girl time with her cousins. My sister has four girls and one boy. P.S. Are they sure that's not the umbilical cord? They made that mistake with me once. Luckily they caught it in the same appointment, though.

EmmaLee Robinson said...

I am so happy for you guys. Congrats!!