
Saturday, October 10, 2009

One Month!

Ben turned one month old on the 6th! Overall, we are all doing pretty well with the adjustment. I am looking forward to getting out of the house more but I don't really see that happening any time soon. He eats like a champ, and he still sleeps a lot. We are working on getting him to sleep in the crib more. He would much rather be in the swing or wrap. He loves being held.
I tried to get some one month pictures and Samantha insisted on being in them. Neither of them are great of Ben, but I love the one of Samantha. She is getting to be such a big girl!

I just realized that this is the outfit we brought him home in. He's starting to fill it out!

On a side note, isn't it cruel to make someone go through acne and balding twice in his life?


Sarah said...

Samantha looks so much like a big girl now... especially when she is next to Ben!!! I totally I am in the same boat right now. We are trying to get Stella to sleep in her own bed. I just keep having to remind myself that the first 2 months will pass... and soon I will be able to sleep more.