
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hooray for sisters!

My amazing sisters (my sister and sister-in-law) came out a couple weeks ago to help me out and see baby Ben (I know it was mostly the latter, but I like to think they came to see me too :)). I had a great time with them! I feel a little bit sorry for them because it couldn't have been a lot of fun hanging out at my house all day watching Food Network, but hopefully they got a nice little break from their lives and their fill of custard.
They left me with a freezer full of meals, did the dishes every day, played with the kids, snuggled Ben, helped paint the bathroom, let me cry on their shoulders when we went to put the meals in the chest freezer only to find that my kids had turned it off and I had lost a freezer full of meat (I lost it when I had to toss the bacon wrapped filet and the ribs). We have very few pictures because none of us really got ready while they were here. I did get a few when we went out for custard the lat night they were here. Custard makes everyone look better, right?
A visit from Amber wouldn't be complete without haircuts for the family. Samantha was especially excited about hers. She is all girl.
We all loved having them here and can't wait to see them again!


Manda L. said...

Yeah for sisters and baby helpers!!