
Tuesday, March 17, 2009


You know spring has hit Milwaukee when you hear the roar of the Harleys. I am not always a huge fan, but the last few days they have been out in full force. In Carter's words, can you even believe it is finally spring? I have been waiting forever for the warm weather to return. Poor Samantha couldn't even fathom leaving the house without a coat on today, she threw a huge fit- "I need my coat on! It's too cold outside!".

Having said that, I know that there is probably a huge snow storm on the way.

Oh, and Carter gets his cast off on Thursday. The day after tomorrow. 2 days. Yeah!!!!


S-T.E.C.H. said...

Hmmm...the sound of Harleys...remind anyone of Missoula Montana??? LOVE YOU!