
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

We're home!

We're home! It feels so good to be back home. One more night in the hospital and I think I would have poked my eyes out with pencils. Hopefully Carter will sleep well in his own bed. I know I will. However, it is a little bit scary knowing that I am on my own tomorrow. I guess I have to figure it out sooner or later, right?

I have to say I am so impressed with Carter. He has actually been really happy today. He is not needing his pain meds as much (although he isn't afraid to ask for them) and has been trying to make us laugh. He has already figured out his wheelchair. Today while we were in the pharmacy I turned around after paying and he was gone! He had backed himself out into the hallway. Needless to say, he was very pleased with himself. He has learned how to turn and can now get himself from the living room to the kitchen and back. I think this week will be the reality check where I will learn what the next 7 weeks will really be like. Luckily, I have already had a number of people offer to help and my sister is coming out in February for a week to help out. Hooray for friends!
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Jodee Luke said...

Since David was in one of those for a year I'll have to ask him to give you some pointers. Carter has such a great attitude! Hang in there!

Kristi said...

The poor kid can't even scratch his butt?! Now, that's just plain hell. Hang in there, honey! There are always hangers to get down into the crevasses, though.

Kat said...

I am glad you are home. There is nothing worse than being trapped in the hospital. Carter is such a trooper. Good luck to you all!

Manda L. said...

Wow is all I can say. You're in our prayers and good luck!!!