
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Another sad first...

My little man broke his leg today. We were at a furniture store and Carter loves to get up and test all the couches "looking for somewhere really comfy". We had told him that he can't put his shoes on the furniture, so he took them off to sit on the couches. When it came time for him to put them back on, he didn't want to and took off running. Unfortunately, is was a slick concrete floor and he fell. He didn't scream or anything, just cried and said he had broken his ankle (he's told us this before). Mike and I thought he was just being dramatic so we took him out to the car, thinking we would go home and check it out before we decided what to do. When I went to get him out of his seat at home he grabbed his armrests and I could tell there was definitely something wrong. I took him to the insta care, because it's super close to our house (side note - when you have a children's hospital 15 minutes away, just go there - it's worth the extra co-pay). It was obvious that he was in a lot of pain, but he just fell and landed on the floor. He said his femur (thighbone) hurt. You don't just break your femur falling down, right? Wrong. Poor kid. As soon as we pulled his pants off it was obviously swollen, bowed, and one thigh was longer than the other one. I know that there was no way I could have known, but when he should have been immobilized, I was driving him to insta care, carrying him in, pulling off his pants when they probably should have just been cut off, and carrying him to the X-ray. I feel horrible. As soon as they saw the X-ray they called Children's Hospital and got an ambulance. They came and put him on a body board, got an IV going (on the first try, thank goodness), and gave him some morphine. There was talk of surgery, it was a spiral break, clean through. Luckily once Ortho came down they decided that they could do a closed reduction with anesthesia. Unluckily, if we want the best orthopedists, we have to wait until Monday morning to do that. So Carter is stuck in traction, doped up on Morphine and Valium until Monday. At which point they will put him in a full leg cast that wraps around his hips. To say the least, the next 3-5 weeks will be a challenge. Moral of the story: When your kid says it's broken, it just might be. On a more serious note, I don't think I have ever experienced anything so heart wrenching as seeing him in so much pain. When they were putting him in traction his whole body was shaking and he was crying for them to stop. He didn't care that it would make him feel better later. I don't know how parents with really sick kids deal with it. I would rather break both of my legs than see him go through this. It definitely makes me think differently about my own parents and appreciate all that they did for me growing up. I can't wait for this to heal so he can get back to being himself!


josieposie said...

Linda, I am so sorry to hear about your trauma. I can't imagine how much pain he must be in. I must say, Jan 17th is a cursed day... 4years ago today I myself was in an ambulance headed to Children's with Ethan. Not a fun place to be. My prayers are with you.

Kristi said...

That poor baby! I'm so sorry that happened. I can't imagine. It was horrible seeing Zach in the ER with asthma all the time, but there is nothing worse than when your baby is in pain. I can't believe that happened!

Zach broke his arm swinging on the table and counter, and the doctor grilled us for an hour about "what really happened." I'm so sorry, and we will pray for a speedy recovery!

Unknown said...

This breaks my heart! Poor guy! Do you need anything? Call me.

Jodee Luke said...

Oh I feel so bad for ALL of you! I hope he gets feeling better!

We are 3. said...

Oh my gosh...I can't take his sad eyes! We will pray that everything goes well.
Please let us know how we can help!

Jenn Lunt said...

Linda- I cannot believe that his femur broke like that! Poor little guy, I hope that they can help with the pain, and fix his leg! My prayers are with you!

Sharlin said...

Hey Carter, we hope you get better really fast. We love you lots. We know you are so brave.
You will get through it all. I had a cast on my whole leg for 6 weeks and even though it's not fun - you will get better.
Please take care!
Aunt Shar

Nicki said...

Linda--I'm so sorry! Please let me know what I can do. I can imagine what you are going through. I hope they treat you well over there...ironic that we were both there at the same time....not a cool place to hang out. I'm so sad for you.

Stewart Family said...

Oh man. Poor thing. That is so sad. What a hard thing to be happening. We will pray for him.

Tamara said...

I am so sorry to hear about Carter. I sat here and bawled as I read the news to Steve. I just love Carter, he is such a witty, smart little guy. We will keep him, and your family in our prayers. On that note, please let me know what I can do to help.

Sarah L. said...

holy smokes I am so sorry. I hope he heals fast and all is ok. It would break my heart to see my munchkin go threw that:( Sorry

Anonymous said...

His face makes me want to cry! Poor Carter. I really hope it all works out and he gets better soon!

Lindsey said...

I am so sorry for you guys! I hope everything works out well and Carter is feeling better soon.

January said...

on honey I can't even look at his pictures without my eyes tearing up for him. Poor boy, has to be pretty miserable. I know we are far away but is there anything we can do to help?