
Friday, December 19, 2008

Birthday Treats

I found the idea for these cookies online and thought that they would be cute for Carter's birthday treats for school yesterday. They aren't perfect, but I have to say I am pretty proud of how they turned out considering I am not at all crafty.

This is what they were supposed to look like:

I did ok, considering I had to improvise with some of the candies.

Anyways, they were a hit with Carter and his little classmates, so score one for Mom!


Unknown said...

Those are super cute!!!

We are 3. said...

i am impressed! lots of work- the things moms do for their kids!!

Jodee Luke said...

way to go Linda! They look great!

Stewart Family said...

Super cute!!

January said...

my dear you did a wonderful job!! and you say you aren't crafty! ha you so are deep down.