
Monday, December 29, 2008

It's a good thing we don't have to be anywhere today!

Yes, that is a tattoo in the middle of my son's forehead. Here is what he had to say about all of his tattoos (they are up both of his arms as well - he figured out how to put them on himself): "Daddy isn't even going to believe that I have all these tattoos. They make me so cool." He's right - I think Mike will be very surprised.
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Kristi said...

Those wouldn't by any chance be the Cars tattoos, would they? We bought those for Zach and the princess ones for Violet, and we totally showed up for church with tattoos up and down both of my kids' arms. The nursery leader looked a little disgusted, but come on now....they rub off!

Manda L. said...

While I dig the tatoo, this comment relates to your quotes on the side. I love them!! I can't enough of all the funny things that kids says. I thinks its awesome your saving them!!