
Monday, September 15, 2008


Janelle tagged me forever ago, and I have been slacking. But Carter is at school and Samantha is being good, so here you go Janelle:

3 joys
1. My Family. I have an awesome husband who supports me wholeheartedly and 2 great kids. It's not always fun and games, but overall they make my life better.
2. Friends. I have been lucky enough to have wonderful friends throughout my life. I have some great friends here in Milwaukee, which is one of the main reasons we stay here...
3. Sunny days. Sounds simple, but here in WI where we can go weeks in the winter without seeing the sun, I have learned to really appreciate them.

3 Fears
1. My kids getting really sick.
2. Mike dying.
3. Fatal car accidents.

3 Current Obsessions
1. Twilight series. I think once I finish the series I will be able to move on.
2. Food storage/emergency preparedness. I am a nerd, I will admit it, but I get fixated on something and can't stop. There are worse obsessions, I know.
3. Blogging. I am a total blog stalker.

3 Random/Surprising Facts About Myself
1. I have been in 14 car accidents. I may have mentioned this before, but most were just fender-benders and not my fault. I have totalled 2 cars, though (one of them was totalled twice). Hence the fatal car crash fear. It has been a while though, at least 4 years.
2. This one is embarrassing, but I absolutely suck at mopping. I hate it. I sweep/vacuum on a regular basis, but rarely mop. Needless to say, there is no 10 second rule in this house. I have requested a Hoover floor mate for my anniversary.
3. I love office supplies. I was arrested when I was in 7th grade for stealing some.

I'm now tagging Christine so that she has something to post about.


Karen said...

I got something similar to clean the tiled floors when we moved to Phoenix and I LOVE it. In fact I just used it. When I first got it, I was totally fascinated with the dirty water cup and would put it on the counter for everyone to see all my hard work cleaning the floor. I hope Mike gets it for you - you deserve it.