
Monday, September 15, 2008


The other day I had the strongest craving for Pepsi. I haven't liked soda since high school. Every once in a while I will have a root beer, but in general I don't like soda. So this craving was a weird one (and no, I am not pregnant). So I went to the store and got some. It was delicious. Pepsi was on sale at Wal Mart, so I stocked up. For a good week and a half I wanted nothing but Pepsi to drink (Mike convinced me to stick with Pepsi One, so I'm not packing on the lbs from it). Then, one day I had a big glass of ice cold Pepsi and nothing. I hate it again. I tried again and still, nothing. Weird, huh? My sister says that my body just needed it. I am sure that my body was in desperate need of the caffeine, carbonation, and artificial sweeteners. At least it got what it needed. Lots of what it needed :).


Paulcf85 said...

hahaha, thats funny, i will get that too. although i think its because my body misses it, since i drank Pepsi like water in Guatemala for two years. Although now its more Mountain dew and im the same way, i dont much like to drink soda.