
Friday, June 27, 2008


Summer is finally here! That's right, summer does come to Wisconsin. Yesterday we had friends over and played outside all day. It was fabulous! They ate pizza, played in the water, blew bubbles and ate popsicles. After they left, we grilled hot dogs and then went to watch Mike's softball game (which they won-go team!).
Now I just need to look back at this in January when I have forgotten what grass looks like.
Love it!

Samantha's face isn't allowed to see the sun. I have become quite the sun nazi since having kids.
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Sarah L. said...

Wow!! You guys didn't just take a trip, you took a TRIP. I had no idea you were goint out there to follow the mormon trail. I think someone is going to have to tie me up and put a gun to my head before I do that with my kids. You are so brave. I'm glad you all came out of it alive and you didn't have to feed your kids to the coyotes.

Carter looks cute with his dental glasses on. I need to take Asher to the dentist. And it looks like summer is here. Next January just come out and play with us and then you won't have to live in the snow :) See how that works???

I liked the tips on Mt. Rushmore. I had no idea that they were going to make a whole cave thingy behind the heads to hold the constitution and all. Wow. Now I feel smart.

I am excited to hear about S.Dakota