Samantha's face isn't allowed to see the sun. I have become quite the sun nazi since having kids.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Samantha's face isn't allowed to see the sun. I have become quite the sun nazi since having kids.
Sugar and Spice
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Open Wide!
South Dakota!
I'm not sure how Samantha got a hold of the entire box of cereal, but she was sure glad that she did.
On the way out of Wyoming, we had to stop for a herd of cattle crossing the street. This is what the road trip is all about! Carter loved the sound of all the cows. I loved the cowboys. Especially the one on a dirt bike (not pictured here).
Somehow Mike ended up carrying both of the kids. What a man.
You can't go to South Dakota without having a buffalo burger! We stopped at Al's Oasis and Mike had one. It wasn't great, but at least we can say we tried it!

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Oh, give me home...
The next day we switched campsites. We went about 45 minutes away to 6th crossing. If we had been trekking the whole thing, we would have started at Martin's Cove and this is where we would have ended up. It's where they crossed the Sweetwater river for the 6th time, hence the name. We had a day off to just hang out. It's a good thing that we did, because the next day was pretty rough.
It started out freezing cold. It snowed on us while we were making breakfast. I didn't even take the kids out of the tent it was so cold. We all met and decided to trek that day anyways. Daniel and Holly had put a lot of work into planning it and if the pioneers could do it so could we, right? So we bundled the kids and headed out. It did warm up, but the wind was vicious. Carter hid under a quilt in the handcart the whole time and cried when it would blow off. Samantha wouldn't keep her head inside the cover on her backpack, so she was miserable. We all got some serious windburn. It was a lot more realistic, though. Trekking at Martin's Cove was on a gravel path, not too bad. There was a trail, it was the actual one they used in a lot of places, but we had to go over sagebrush and through water at one point (mostly just a little marsh). At one point they "drafted" all of our men into the army and the women had to pull all the carts up the hill. Luckily for me, 5 of the 7 adults with me were women. Suckers. Alright, we helped everyone else, but we still had it pretty easy considering the wind was blowing about 100mph. I wasn't much help - I had Samantha on my back and the carrier was like a sail. I couldn't walk straight and kept running into my sister. I am pretty sure I looked drunk.
When we finished our hike for the day is when the real fun began. When we first arrived at the campsite the cute old missionaries suggested that we lower our tents when we left for the day because the winds can be brutal. Mike and I are thinking "we have the best tent in the world, nothing can take this puppy down". Wrong. It turns out that it is all about the tent pegs, which in our case were not great. We came back to the campsite to find our tent halfway to the river. That's right. The wind picked it up with the pack n' play and all of our stuff inside and blew it across the campsite. The only thing stopping it was a picnic bench which had torn through the front door. We managed to get it set back up for the night, but all the poles are bent, a zipper on the rainfly is ripped, and there is the hole torn in the door. Needless to say, I kind of want to puke when I think of all the money that we spent on the dang thing. I am hoping that Kelty will take care of at least some if it, but who knows. Quite possibly it will be me patching it up with my lackluster seamstress skills. It could have been worse, though. About half of the other tents were either blown away completely or completely demolished. They went to a hotel for the last night. I was a little jealous when I thought about the hot showers they were taking, but glad that I still have a tent.
This is getting long, and I think I hit the highlights, so here are the pictures, enjoy!
My favorite sister Amber. Thought she was too good for my sunblock. Sucker.
Camping is no excuse to not look your best. Can a girl really have too many accessories?Me and my pops. A true outdoorsman. My brother and a friend were throwing hatchets at a stump one night. My dad went over and tossed it once right in the center where it stuck. Go dad!
My sisters. They belong to a Provo-based gang. Hence the bandannas. Watch yourself.
Samantha just keeping hydrated. It's hard work riding around all day!
Mike and Amber puuuuling the handcart (imagine Carter straining as he says that).
My crackhead brother found a rattle snake. They tell you before you leave that if you find a rattle snake, just tell the missionaries and someone will come take care of it. Right. My crazy brother picked it up for all to see and feel if so desired. I just want to know what goes through your mind when you do this for the first time (I know this isn't his first time). What could possibly make you think that is a good idea??? This is the father of the 3 cutest girls of all time. They currently have a pet snake and have had a pet black widow at one point - by their own choice.
Carter got to shoot a BB gun. Thanks. As if his affinity for turning everything into a gun wasn't annoying enough. He LOVED it.
Still riding the BB gun high.
Mike and I on the Oregon/Mormon Pioneer/Pony Express trail. Did I mention it was windy?
Our kids never would have made it as pioneers. Pansies.
My mom made Samantha a bonnet. She wasn't a huge fan, but it was super cute and very utilitarian.
Yes, that is snow. And yes, we are crazy.
This was one of the views as we were leaving. There actually is a lot of beautiful land.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Road Trip!
This trip definitely started out rocky. We left an hour later on Wednesday than we wanted to because of my insane need to have a spotless house when we leave (it was soooo nice to come back to, though). Then we forgot Samantha's blanket, so we had to turn back, wasting another 30 minutes. Finally, that storm that flooded the Midwest? We drove through it. All in all, we arrived at our hotel in Omaha at 4:30 am. We had planned on getting there at about 1. Exhausted and so ready for sleep, we were so excited to finally get a few hours of sleep. The kids, however had a different idea. They both woke up on the way into the hotel room and decided not to go back to sleep. As soon as one would settle down, the other would start making noise and wake them back up. Finally after an hour or so of trying to get them to sleep I took them down to get breakfast and made them play in the car for a few hours to let Mike get a couple hours of sleep. I think we were both thinking about how easy it would be just to turn around and go back home at that point. But in the pioneer spirit we went on to Winter Quarters that morning :). It was nice, but I really expected more - old houses or something. It was just an "historic" (read really old and run down) town with a visitor's center and temple. They were both nice, but I guess I had just expected more. It was a nice start for our handcart trip though.
This is pretty much how she looked the whole time - no smiles. She was very, very, very clingy. She wouldn't let anyone else hold her, not even Mike. Yeah, that got old pretty quick. My left arm is now bionically stronger than my right from toting her around constantly.
We mostly just hung out with family out there. We found out the Mike's mom would be coming to live with us within the next month or so and so a lot of time was spent figuring out all the logistics with that. We did go back to Casa Bonita -it's a lot like the Mayan in Utah if you have been there. They have shows and cliff divers, an arcade, and they even break a pinata for all the kids every half hour (that's a lot of pinatas!). It was definitely the highlight of the trip for Carter. Samantha even played a little bit. This picture cracked me up. Samantha takes her skee-ball very seriously.
We left on Sunday for Wyoming. That was where the real adventure began. More on that later. I'm all blogged out.
Things work out
Will he ever be potty trained?!?
Mike went to New York today for work. I thought it would be a nice surprise for Mike to come back to potty trained Carter. We have nothing planned, so I thought I would do that very last thing that I haven't tried - letting him run around naked. We decided that a spoonful of ice cream would be a great pee treat. He peed once in the toilet and then was done. After that, I would gently remind him to go potty for some more ice cream. But no, he would just wait until I walked away for a minute and then pee on the floor. After 2 of these "accidents" I asked him "do you want to use the potty, or just keep wearing diapers?". Of course, he just said diapers. I asked if he would ever be potty trained and he said "yeah, in about 3 months." I am seriously thinking that Samantha will be potty trained before Carter. She will be teaching him to use the toilet. How sad is that?