When you have 4 kids. I can’t believe how long it’s been since I posted. I’ve meant to many times – I even uploaded pictures. But something always happens and I get distracted. I’m not going to lie (and I’m not looking for a pity party here), having 4 kids is hard. Really hard. At least for me. I know things will get better when Adam gets a little older and is sleeping better, but right now I feel like I am always playing catch up. I folded and put away 15 loads of laundry yesterday. And most likely there are already 2 more loads downstairs waiting for me. My house looks like a tornado hit and as soon as I get one room cleaned the kids get home from school and it’s back to square one. I keep telling myself that there will come a day when the kids will all be in school or moved out and I will have plenty of time to clean then. So, I’m doing my best to suppress my OCD tendencies and just enjoy being a mom. It’s much easier said than done. Anyways, that’s the reason the blog has been so neglected. But, I do have things to post and lots of pictures, so here we go!
Adam is 4 months old as of yesterday. We went to the pediatrician to celebrate. He weighs 13 lb 15 oz. (20%) and is 26” long (95%). His head is 42 cm (50%). Basically he’s tall and skinny with average brains. I’m not sure where the tall and skinny genes came from. I’m assuming he’ll out grow those. He is obviously growing really well.
He’s usually very happy, as long as he’s fed and has slept. We’ve struggled with the sleep thing, but I think we are finally figuring things out. He still has a hard time going down for the night before 10 or 11. I put him down between 7-8, but he wakes up every half hour or so until 10-11 when he usually will go down. He’s not a great napper, but we’re working on that too.
He rolls both ways, but is much better at back to tummy.
He has a great smile and such a cute laugh. He’s ticklish and it really doesn’t take much to make him laugh.
He loves watching the other kids. He’s got super strong abs because whenever we lay him in his seat he tries to sit up to see more of what’s going on around him.
He’s been sick this past week or so. Just a cold, but he’s been pretty miserable. I’m really hoping he gets over it soon.
The other night, Mike introduced him to a new friend. Adam sat and looked at that doll forever.
And then he made his move. Apparently Mike forgot to explain first date etiquette.
A little privacy here?!? (Horrible lighting, I know)
And here are the other pictures of him that I meant to post:
2 Months:
I really love this one. 
Tummy time!
3 Months 

Well that’s about enough of Adam. He’s a cute kid and we love his guts!