
Sunday, June 19, 2011

One tooth-less kid

Carter lost his first tooth tonight!  It’s been loose for a little while now, and it finally came out tonight!  It’s a good thing, because he already has the replacement coming in behind it.  Here’s hoping that it straightens out now that it has a little bit more room!

He was so proud! DSC_0833 Then he started feeling a little bit queasy…And it went downhill from there. DSC_0834 He went pale, got cold and clammy and headed for the bathroom to hug the toilet.  Apparently the sight of blood makes him sick.  The kid can break a leg and not break a sweat, but show him a little bit of blood coming from his gums and he loses it.  Go figure.DSC_0835 My baby’s growing up!



Sean Butcher said...

That's how a grown up kid should be! Taking care of himself was a brave move, Linda. Does Carter know about the tooth fairy? Luckily, he didn't ask for a trade.

Sean Butcher