Tonight they had a special night at the zoo to celebrate the new butterfly exhibit. Please take note, I am blogging about something within 24 hours of it happening. It may never happen again. Anyways, since I am a single mom this evening, I thought we would get out of the house. I’m glad we did. There were crafts, which Carter was very focused on…If only real bugs were this cute.
Ben got to use markers, which pretty much makes the night a success for him.
I love, love, love this picture of Ben. He had no idea what to think of the train. When the conductor blew the whistle, he jumped in my lap and didn’t leave for the rest of the ride.
As for the butterflies, apparently they thrive at temperatures rivaling those at the gateway of hell. With 178% humidity. I got my camera out to get a picture of Samantha holding one and everything fogged right up. So imagine her holding a cute little butterfly, and you get the picture. We lasted about 10 minutes in that sweaty sauna.
All in all, a successful day. I don’t see what’s so hard about single parenting. Kidding! I know it’s not all butterflies and tattoos.
Did I mention there were tattoos there too? That last sentence would probably make a lot more sense if I had.
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