
Saturday, September 25, 2010


I think I have finally recovered enough from the flight to and from Utah to start posting about our trip.  I will never fly with these three again.  At least until they are older.  Ben was an absolute nightmare both ways.  We made the mistake of booking an early flight on the way back and so Carter and Samantha hopped on the naughty train for the flight back.  In spite of the disastrous flights, we had such a good time!  We stayed longer than we have in the past – 2 weeks – but it was nice not to feel like we had to cram everything in while we were there.  I also looked at is as more of a vacation and planned what I wanted to do while we were there.  What it came down to was me reliving some of my favorite childhood memories.  As it turns out, most of them were on a mountain.  I miss those mountains a lot.  Anyways, prepare for picture overload!