Ben celebrated his birthday while we were in Utah. I know everyone says it, but I can’t believe how fast this year has gone by. He’s going to be off to college before I know it. Sigh.
We went all out and got him his very own cupcake. Don’t worry, there was cake for the rest of us too. First he wanted the lit candle…
Then he wasn’t so sure about the cake…
Then he showed it who was boss.
And basked in the attention and sugar rush that followed.
There was plenty of help opening gifts.
This one was my favorite.
And this one was Ben’s favorite – his first iPod. Which he dropped off the ski lift the next day. But that’s another story.
Here are some things about Ben:
- He has little interest in learning to walk. Crawling is working out just fine for him, thank you very much. He can stand for short periods of time.
- He loves to eat. When he’s done, he will nonchalantly drop his food onto the floor or stuff it into the corners of his high chair. If you catch him, he will pretend he was going to eat it.
- Sometimes if he’s hungry he will go back to the aforementioned food in the high chair.
- He will fake laugh along with anyone. Carter got mad the other day that he was laughing at him because Samantha was. He also imitates coughs.
- He has been an early teether. He has 8 teeth already and his top molars are just breaking through. It’s been a rough couple of weeks.
- He can say hi, sit, stay, Mom, uh-oh and no (although it’s nanananana). He will also nod yes and shake his head no.
- He weighs 23 lbs 6 oz 9 (50-75%) and is 30.5 inches long (75%)
- He hates the car seat. I finally turned it around the other day and it was the first time he didn’t scream and cry when I buckled him in. The screaming did start shortly afterwards.
- In general, he has been a happy, laid back baby. We’re all hoping that happy baby comes back after these teeth are in!