
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Who needs sleep?

Not Ben apparently.  This kid will not sleep!  At least not in his bed. Or in his car seat.  Or really anywhere that isn’t my arms.  Ok, maybe he will for a minute, but that’s only after screaming his brains out and exhausting himself.   The sad thing is that I have read close to a dozen books on getting babies to sleep.  I know all about putting him down while he is drowsy but still awake.  All that does is give him enough time to start freaking out before I leave the room.  I know he’s too young to cry it out, but after putting him to sleep 3 times in a row in 30 minutes, what’s a mom to do?  By the end of the day he is so tired and cranky that I finally give in and put him in the wrap where he will sleep 3-4 hours.  Then I worry that by doing that I am just showing him that if he holds out long enough he gets what he wants.   Do babies even get that?   Nights are ok, but that is just because he sleeps with me.  Go ahead, judge all you want, but after getting up with him 3 times before midnight just wipes me out (oh, and did I mention his bedtime is 10?  He won’t stay asleep before then).  I do put him down in his bed in hopes that he will sleep longer, but so far we haven’t gotten very far.  Once in a while I will get 4 hours and then it’s every 30 minutes or so.  He can start crying it out at 4 months, and then we are going to have some serious sleep boot camp action.  2 more months…

In spite of the sleep issues, he’s still one of the sweetest babies I know.  I just need to vent sometimes. DSC_0015 DSC_0022 DSC_0023


Maris Scott said...

Linda, I am so sorry to hear that he is not sleeping. My Anderson was a horrible sleeper! I am like you I read all the books did what they said and nothing worked! It sucks it is so hard but I am with you put him in the wrap and let him sleep! With Adalayde she would only sllep in her swing during the day so that is where she slept for every nap until she was 9 months! She is 15 months now and sleeps just fine in her crib for naps and bedtime. Hope you get some rest!!
By the way your kids are darling! How is having three?