
Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Fun

What can I say, Easter was awesome! Poor Carter woke up at 6:45 and had to wait until 7:30 to wake up Samantha. He was going crazy with anticipation. They both rocked the Easter egg hunt and got way more candy than any kid needs. Crazy haired Sammy. I should have done something with her hair. The sad part is that this is one of the only pictures I have of her from that day (help me out, Karen!).
After church we went over to Derrick and Karen's for our 5th annual Easter feast and egg toss (seriously? We have been here that long?). Carter's face pretty much explains how we were all feeling.

Seriously, check out the spread:

That's not even all. We ate at 2 and I didn't eat one thing after we got home and I still went to bed full. It was that good.
We colored eggs - Karen, consider this payback for all the fat pictures:).
And this year, I retired from team Chaplin in the egg toss. I was replaced by a younger player - Carter. I couldn't take the pressure. "Soft hands, Linda, soft hands!!!"
I guess we didn't prep him for the end result well enough because he was pretty bummed when his egg broke.
Once he figured it out, he was all about coming home and practicing for next year. It looks like I am going to need to buy more eggs.
It was fabulous to be surrounded by our good friends and to really enjoy the day. It was also neat to see Carter start to understand the resurrection and why we really celebrate Easter. I am so grateful for my Savior and that because of him, I can be with my family forever.
And the very best part of the day? No accidents. Not one. All I will say is that Samantha is a potty training super star and I would have 5 more of her if I could.


Unknown said...

Fine, fine, you can have your revenge. Look at that purple tongue....dang those butter mints.

And thanks to Sammy and Carter for not peeing on my furniture! :) Yay for them! So exciting!

Ivie Family said...

I think that my Ashton is your Samantha and my Ellie is your Carter! Save me, she is sooo stubborn! Ashton potty trained right before he was two and never had an accident, ever, I didn't even use pull ups so I am confident that Samantha will be a rock star potty trainer, it is awesome huh?

Jessica said...

I actually love that pic of samantha's crazy hair, it's so true to what an early morning easter egg hunt is! I love it. Her eyes are so mesmorizing! (sp?)