Wow! This past couple of weeks has been so busy! Sarah (my sister) left on Wednesday, so I wanted to make sure that she saw the best of Wisconsin before she left. So last Thursday, we went to
Menomonee Falls beach. We were the only ones there for a while and so we could see the fish swimming with us (a little bit weird, but I am getting used to it). Carter loved it. He would sit very still, waiting for the fish to get close enough for him to catch in his bucket. All he caught was a tadpole. He didn't believe that it was a baby frog, and just tried to squish it. All in all, it was a great day.

Friday we went to Six Flags. We were a bit hesitant, because we didn't have a babysitter for Carter, and Samantha had to come with us as well. So I just expected to watch the kids all day while Sarah and Mike went on rides. It's pretty much how it worked out, but I was very surprised at how many rides Carter could go on! He is a little bit tall for his age, so he just made the 36" cutoff for most of the rides. There were also a lot that he could go on all by himself--he loved the idea. I am pretty sure that he went on more rides than all of us put together. He didn't even get scared, which shocked me, especially when he went on the boat that swings back and forth really high. Mike said he was just screaming along with everyone else. To this day, anytime he thinks about roller coasters or anything to do with Six Flags he has to remind me that the roller coasters are scary and the people go "
aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh" as loudly as possible (that didn't fly so well when he did it as Samantha was going to sleep today). If you can, ask him about it. He'll share.

We saw the wiggles. Here is Carter with Wags the dog. We also met Dorothy the Dinosaur--jealous?

After about 6, the lines on certain rides really went down. After getting soaked on the Roaring Rapids (where onlookers can pay $.25 to soak the riders), I realized why... we were freezing! Carter was afraid that we wouldn't let him go on more rides, so through chattering teeth he made sure that we knew that he was warm. This is him making his cold face (I didn't say it was a cute face).

One ride that the lines disappeared on later on was American Eagle. It is the old wooden roller coaster. We were able to walk on to it after 9 (yes, we are bad parents keeping our kids out so late). We waited an hour to go on the Batman roller coaster and it had nothing on this one. There is just something about feeling like you could derail and die at any moment that really gets your heart racing. I am pretty sure we caught air a couple of times. It was definitely a great way to end the day.
Saturday was the Kohl's Big Event, which is their yearly Brewer's game/tailgating party. It was pouring, which kind of sucked, but they always have great food, and this year was no exception. As anyone who knows me knows, I love food, and this was good food. I probably gained a good 5 pounds between 6 flags and the game. They closed the roof, so we stayed dry inside. Samantha loves baseball, and she always looks so good in her Brewer's outfits (thanks Laura!). I am not sure how much she loved being zipped inside Mike's jacket on the way to and from the stadium, but she stayed dryer than the rest of us!

Sarah left on Wednesday. We will miss her!

I am doing OK on my own. I only have to make it 3 weeks until my other sister Amber comes out (
yay!). She is only here for a couple of days though.
The rest of this week has just been resting up from last week, and trying to get this house cleaned up. My kids know when I want to get things done and do everything in their power to thwart my efforts. Samantha took a total of 45 minutes of nap today and then wouldn't go to sleep tonight--that's a whole other issue. Carter also declined the nap today, after playing in his room for a half hour, he comes out and says "good morning mommy!" in this high pitched, syrupy sweet voice. He was a terror today. Needless to say, I did not finish cleaning the house. I need to lower my expectations.
One cute thing Carter is doing now is using the word "super" for everything:
"It's super rainy"
"I'm super sorry, Dad"
"It's super locked"
Everything is super. It's a good thing he is so funny, otherwise, we probably would have sent him away months ago.
Anyways, I think that's enough for now. We don't have much going on in the next little while,
except Mike going to Vegas next week for work. I am pretty jealous, but I am pretty sure that there are some sort of laws against bringing young
children into the casinos. I am just hoping to hold on to the very last bit of sanity I have
going for me. We'll see...