Alright, I know that they are "harmless", that their mouths are too small to bite you (so they say). But you tell me that you would be alright knowing that your tent is covered in spiders? Knowing that they could be creeping all over you? Luckily, I was blissfully unaware of the spider situation until the morning when we were taking the tent down. I was in the tent brushing out the grass and dirt, when I see one of them staring down at me from the ceiling of the tent. Then on the way out, I felt one on me. Needless to say, I screamed a little bit (I believe the word was "yeeks") and got out of there fast. After that, it was Mike's turn to deal with the tent. I saw no less than 8 of these on the outside of the tent, and I don't even want to think about how many more made their way inside.

Then, to make things worse, Mike left Samantha's car seat outside of the tent overnight, so we had yet another one of our little friends in there, and one of his cousins (probably the poisonous kind). I hate spiders and wish they would all die. I don't really care what impact that would have on the ecosystem, I would be happy if I never saw another one.
So, after all of that, you may think that I am a pampered camper. This is not the case. I have been camping all my life and I love it. It is a bit more challenging with kids (more so for Mike who slept on the floor next to me and the kids on the air mattress), but still fun. I can't believe how much stuff you need. It took all day to prepare for this event and then the rest of Saturday cleaning up from it. I did 10 loads of laundry on Saturday! Not all of this was from camping, but a good share of it was. Luckily, I can start the hallway washers for free, so I get those going and I can be doing 6 loads at a time. Was all of this worth the 15 hours we actually spent there? I'm still not sure, but it was fun.
Mike finally bought the tent that he has been looking at for at least a year and a half (trying to find the best deal). I have to say, it is really nice, although we did get teased a little bit due to the size--hey, it's got to last forever for how much we paid for it, and our family isn't getting any smaller. Best of all, Mike can put it up all by himself, which means less work for me.

Carter had a blast. There were lots of other kids for him to play with and he absolutely went nuts with the s'mores. He was shoving the chocolate and marshmallows in this face Kobiyashi-style. It was pretty special. That would be the main contributing factor to him not going to sleep until 10:30. He was up bright and early, though: "Mom, I can be awake now, it's light!" 6:30 sure comes early... However, by the time we got up, the Anthonys had already been to McDonald's and back. It's kind of cheating, but actually a really good idea.

We went swimming in the lake Saturday, and even though the water was pretty cold, and it was cool and cloudy, Carter got right in.

I forgot his swim suit at home, so he went in just a swim diaper, which for the record, I am against. He had a great time and kept going deeper and deeper until the water was to his chin. I think he was a fish in a past life. Even Samantha got her little toes wet. She loves the water too- If I would have had a swim diaper for her, she would have gotten in. However, I am also against kids in fat, soggy diapers. I'm no fun.

Our swim time was cut short when a group of drunk kids came down and started causing trouble. I didn't want Carter to have to witness one of them drowning at such a young age.
All in all, though, it was a great time. We had a good turnout and we might even consider going camping again this year! 
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