
Friday, October 28, 2011

Happy Fall!

And here’s the new! We have had a fun October! We started with our once-a-year leaf raking for the kids to jump in. Always a good time. Crazy how much Samantha has grown!

DSC_0047DSC_0049We went to pick apples at the local orchard. These kids are getting fast! We had 1 1/2 bushels picked in no time. Now if only I could get them to can them as fast as they pick them…DSC_0076Dang I love this little boy. DSC_0083Well hello, little devil girl. DSC_0096Carter took this one, I have to say he did a pretty good job. DSC_0105And what better to do with apples than cover them in caramel? Needless to say, this was by far the favorite part of the day. DSC_0111So cute with his glasses. DSC_0115DSC_0116And to finish off the festivities, we decorated Halloween cookies and carved pumpkins tonight. DSC_0123DSC_0124Ben’s favorite was the cookies. DSC_0125DSC_0128DSC_0129DSC_0131Happy Halloween! DSC_0136DSC_0142


Kristi said...

You're such a cute, good mommy! We wish we lived closer to you guys. Your kids are way cute!

Patten Family said...

So Cute Linda. And kudos to Carter and his photography skills! Better than mine (which really doesn't say much but hey-who's comparing). Love your kids:) And your motherly ambitions. I need to borrow some!